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Nikentomolog (2019-03-24 10:30:01 / 4 stars):

I like how simple these cursors are. I have to notice that Move cursor has an offset hot spot. Keep it up, i believe that you can make even better cursor sets! icon-image/14620-16x16x32.png image

srbigodon (2019-03-24 20:20:10):

i try to redraw the move cursor, but the site don't save my changes

sw0rd maker (2019-03-26 10:24:40 / 0.5 stars):

what i dont text this

KittyKata12 (2019-04-07 19:27:57 / 3 stars):

Everybody loves the classics. :-)

inactive4everiquit (2019-04-09 04:06:02 / 5 stars):

Ohh yeah! Always for the classics!

RIDDLER (2019-07-09 02:08:02 / 5 stars):

Good job. I simply like the white line and the black cursors.

Unknown author (2019-09-02 03:19:45):

good i love it :-)

Unknown author (2021-01-03 10:21:08):

Good :-D But make Aero ones...

I Like It!!!!!!!! 8-) 8-) 8-)


Come on give me aero

Come on!,!!,,

Give Me Aero!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good I love it =-)

Please Mak in Windows 10 Style


Unknown author (2021-02-21 13:22:40):

:-Ö :-Ö :-Ö :-Ö :-Ö :-Ö :-Ö :-Ö :-Ö :-Ö :-Ö

:-Ö :-Ö

Unknown author (2021-05-31 05:40:53):

Nice logos,
I rate it a 5 star

- Robikraft

Minecraft2.0 (2021-12-31 16:47:04):

Windows already has this tho?

Unknown author (2022-04-28 19:29:03):

bro plz make windows 10 black and white

Unknown author (2023-03-05 19:48:59):

:-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D

Zoofball (2024-03-24 23:04:30 / 5 stars):

8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)

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