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R0mKa (2020-11-03 16:29:33):

Here is the installer. The tutorial: 1. Create an ini file in the set and name it "install".
2: Copy and Paste this: [Version]

CopyFiles = Scheme.Cur,
AddReg = Scheme.Reg

Scheme.Cur = 10,"%CUR_DIR%"
Scheme.Txt = 10,"%CUR_DIR%"

HKCU,"Control Panel\Cursors\Schemes","%SCHEME_NAME%",,"%10%\%CUR_DIR%\%pointer%,%10%\%CUR_DIR%\%help%,%10%\%CUR_DIR%\%work%,%10%\%CUR_DIR%\%busy%,%10%\%CUR_DIR%\%Cross%,%10%\%CUR_DIR%\%Text%,%10%\%CUR_DIR%\%Hand%,%10%\%CUR_DIR%\%Unavailiable%,%10%\%CUR_DIR%\%Vert%,%10%\%CUR_DIR%\%Horz%,%10%\%CUR_DIR%\%Dgn1%,%10%\%CUR_DIR%\%Dgn2%,%10%\%CUR_DIR%\%move%,%10%\%CUR_DIR%\%alternate%,%10%\%CUR_DIR%\%link%,%10%\%CUR_DIR%\%pin%,%10%\%CUR_DIR%\%person%"

; -- Common Information

"[mini] Normal Select v4.1.ani"
"[mini] Help Select v4.1.ani"
"[mini] Working In Background v4.1.ani"
"[mini] Busy v4.1.ani"
"[mini] Precision Select v4.1.ani"
"[mini] Text Select v4.1.ani"
"[mini] Handwriting v4.1.ani"
"[mini] Unavailable v4.1.ani"
"[mini] Vertical Resize v4.1.ani"
"[mini] Horizontal Resize v4.1.ani"
"[mini] Diagonal Resize 1 v4.1.ani"
"[mini] Diagonal Resize 2 v4.1.ani"
"[mini] Move v4.1.ani"
"[mini] Alternate Select v4.1.ani"
"[mini] Link Select v4.1.ani"
"[mini] Location Select v4.1.ani"
"[mini] Person Select v4.1.ani"

CUR_DIR = "Cursors\Crystal Clear Mini v4.1 - Original"
SCHEME_NAME = "Crystal Clear Mini v4.1 - Original"
pointer = "[mini] Normal Select v4.1.ani"
help = "[mini] Help Select v4.1.ani"
work = "[mini] Working In Background v4.1.ani"
busy = "[mini] Busy v4.1.ani"
cross = "[mini] Precision Select v4.1.ani"
text = "[mini] Text Select v4.1.ani"
hand = "[mini] Handwriting v4.1.ani"
unavailiable = "[mini] Unavailable v4.1.ani"
vert = "[mini] Vertical Resize v4.1.ani"
horz = "[mini] Horizontal Resize v4.1.ani"
dgn1 = "[mini] Diagonal Resize 1 v4.1.ani"
dgn2 = "[mini] Diagonal Resize 2 v4.1.ani"
move = "[mini] Move v4.1.ani"
alternate = "[mini] Alternate Select v4.1.ani"
link = "[mini] Link Select v4.1.ani"
pin = "[mini] Location Select v4.1.ani"
person = "[mini] Person Select v4.1.ani"
3. Right click it, and press Install.
4. Enjoy the simple way to install this cursor set :-D

RIDDLER (2020-11-04 10:04:27 / 5 stars):

This crystal clear cursor set is all pointers. It looks good though. I am glad that you added the Location and Person cursor roles. You need to fix some of your hotspots on some cursor roles.

Rocked_socks (2020-11-04 13:53:57 / 3.5 stars):

How does one modify this for other cursor sets? Great cursor set btw.

Unknown author (2020-11-04 17:06:17):

I really like this cursor. I have so many cursors that I need a new disk drive and this is one of my top 20's thanks.....

Rando (2020-11-04 21:08:42 / 5 stars):

Where have I seen this before, HMM? (Think back in time)

Unknown author (2020-11-05 01:10:17):

I'd mostly not say this but whatever:
Instead of making a .ini file, you can also go do:

Settings > Devices > Mouse > Additional Mouse settings > Pointers > Broswse > Find the file and you're done!

R0mKa (2020-11-05 11:37:37):


RIDDLER (2020-11-05 12:55:59):

You need to fix the hotspot for the Busy cursor role. That's all you need to do.

THEVERYLOL30 (2020-11-06 20:32:42 / 0.5 stars):

slote from blooguy from devianart :-o

PetrPlaysTV (2020-11-07 16:45:01 / 5 stars):

cool i already have this but ok still super cursors!

Rando (2020-11-07 21:52:37):

@THEVERYLOL30 : Are you lazy? You didn't check the description at all.

Kimi (2020-11-09 01:10:12 / 0.5 stars):

copy righted :-(

Carby202 (2020-11-10 16:39:07 / 5 stars):

I like how the link select is animated! makes it look like it is clicking.

@Kimi its not copyrighted he gave credit

Hermitage (2020-11-11 07:19:18 / 4.5 stars):

This cursor is the 4.5 best cursor! I love it but plz change the cursor alternate select the alternate select its look I didnt love it plz change. :-)

nplays (2020-11-12 19:26:42 / 0.5 stars):

stoled my guy

R0mKa (2020-11-14 06:48:39):

To all who says i stole the cursor set: If i stole you wouldn't see the author in the description. All of my sets (by far) aren't mine, and i credit the authors in the desc. So, don't be lazy and say "stolen". Look in the description and you will see the original author and set.

RIDDLER (2020-11-15 01:08:09):

5/5 stars.

Unknown author (2020-11-15 18:09:43):

How do I put it on?

Unknown author (2021-02-19 19:10:07):


Unknown author (2021-03-17 05:57:15):

using this mouse cursor now, so good! :-)

ʄʟɨӼ (2021-04-28 15:32:16 / 5 stars):

Sheesh. people don't know how to read? 5/5. I love this set, but you should try at some point to make your own cursors. Thanks for giving credit.

Unknown author (2021-05-06 22:23:41):

clean 10/10

Unknown author (2021-05-20 17:27:43):


ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2021-05-25 08:24:57 / 5 stars):

icon-image/9565-16x16x32.png image

Unknown author (2021-05-29 15:29:06):

;-) :-) :-D :-( :-o 8-) |-)

Unknown author (2021-07-18 20:12:49):


Unknown author (2021-10-02 17:53:51):

can you do blue of this

Unknown author (2021-11-10 02:02:18):


Diamond (2021-11-15 22:46:06 / 5 stars):

I feel like people don't read the description and rate automatically anyway, nice job! :-D

Unknown author (2023-03-29 19:01:02):


Unknown author (2024-01-17 13:32:39):

faz um desse sem ser transparente

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