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Dark_Samus (2020-11-07 16:58:55 / 5 stars):

look's great :-)

eeveelover64 (2020-11-07 18:18:51 / 0.5 stars):

bruh you forgot to leave the artists name in the description, thats stealing!

R0mKa (2020-11-08 09:33:01 / 5 stars):

The cursor set is pretty good, but where is the author? You just stealed a cursor set which is bad. 0.5 stars incoming |-)

RIDDLER (2020-11-08 15:17:44 / 5 stars):

Wow. I have to say that this is such a lovely set. The colors blend so well.

Unknown author (2020-11-09 18:56:11):

Gostei basatante , porém , você não deixou o autor na descrição , isso é roubo cara

Carby202 (2020-11-09 21:07:51 / 4.5 stars):

Nice set. But I'll have to give 4/5 because u didn't give author

PetrPlaysTV (2020-11-11 12:32:27):

by zhorak

eeveelover64 (2020-11-11 16:58:09):

Was it really THAT hard to add credit? Answer is no, no it wasn't.

R0mKa (2020-11-12 11:47:21):

Fine. Here is your 5 stars rating for the good set. Just don't forget about the author in the description and the original link to the set, ok? |-)

eeveelover64 (2020-11-12 19:16:35):

he didn't put the credit to the og author in their other entis cursor set :-/

Unknown author (2020-11-13 15:08:28):

weres the author

PetrPlaysTV (2020-11-14 14:21:47):

in description

꧁Leo꧂シ (2021-09-20 15:54:05 / 5 stars):

WOW 8-)

Diamond (2021-11-16 15:11:59 / 1.5 stars):

you didn't give credit before so... :-( also, I don't like them because they are a bit slanted... |-)

RIDDLER (2024-12-23 04:33:24):

Entis. Never seen it. Nice cursors.

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