Dark_Samus (2021-01-20 16:00:17 / 5 stars):
ファントム How that work's Dark_Samus (2021-01-20 16:11:53):
oh.. markdown formatting. Unknown author (2021-01-20 16:16:19):
J (2021-01-20 17:38:51 / 4.5 stars):
Great set! Does not distract much. However I don't get why you made 3 blue and the rest red. I don't think this site uses markdown. Their parser is different ʄʟɨӼ (2021-01-20 17:41:01):
Blue for links And orange because it's my favorite color RIDDLER (2021-01-20 19:53:56 / 5 stars):
Lovely deep red and blue cursors. Bobcat (2021-01-21 11:15:53 / 4.5 stars):
I have seen many like these before, so I am not surprised. I do like the retro style and the 3D effect though. ʄʟɨӼ (2021-01-21 15:15:14):
I am currently making an animated cursor set! Some are static. And yeah ʄʟɨӼ (2021-01-22 17:26:52):
I FINISHED THE SET!!! Unknown author (2021-01-25 23:56:51):
fyre f f f f f Unknown author (2021-01-28 06:48:48):
I love it can you do a full blue set Unknown author (2021-01-28 07:55:44):
I love it! Unknown author (2021-02-08 13:08:18):
inactive account (2021-03-29 21:43:14 / 5 stars):
Wow! I haven't checked these cursors, they're amazing just like your other cursors. Calosriveri24 (2021-11-14 01:44:20 / 5 stars):
Good ʄʟɨӼ (2021-11-15 16:41:35):
Thanks Unknown author (2021-12-20 18:29:26):
pls add rainbow ʄʟɨӼ (2021-12-21 13:22:38):
I have other cursors that are rgb (red, green, blue) *Or rainbow as you call it* Just click on more cursors on my profile page Unknown author (2022-03-19 01:58:04):
hola hola hola pfp (2023-03-24 18:49:15):
woah it's me |