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Bobcat's profile

View Bobcat's timeline, last visit on January 16th 2023

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I am 12. I love personalization and just wanted some new cursors. Now I love creating cursors. Please give me honest feedback and tell me what could I do to improve. The moment I made the most buttons was the Scrabble age (For more info ask RIDDLER).
Shop closed. If you send money, I will give you a spray, but it may take a very long time, since I am not active anymore.

Black spray (1 stock), Cost: 3 buttons
Gray spray (2 stock), Cost: 4 buttons
Purple spray (2 stock), Cost: 6 buttons
Orange spray (1 stock), Cost: 7 buttons
Green spray (1 stock), Cost: 8 buttons

Featured art


Acid Cursors (17 cursors)

Released on October 28th 2021 by Bobcat

This is an old request by RIDDLER, which he never got since I stopped making. This is in the series of the elemental cursors. Includes Fire, Ice and Acid.

Ever liked the different shades of vegetation green and bubbles? Well, Acid cursors are here! No need for careful management and containing, because these never fall apart and are safe to touch!

Latest art

Acid TeaserAcid Cursors
by Bobcat641This is an old request by RIDDLER, which he never got since I stopped...
3D World Teaser3D World Cursors
by Bobcat125The icons in the RealWorld editors were just too good to be unused, s...
Bullet Yellow TeaserBullet Yellow Cursors
by Bobcat943I loved the totally material Bullet Pink set, and I thought it would ...
Alex TeaserAlex Cursors
by Bobcat3353I haven't been really interested in making cursors lately, so I haven...
Luxus TeaserLuxus Cursors
by Bobcat3826I have seen the first five cursors in R0mka's random cursors, so I to...
No Internet Dino TeaserNo Internet Dino Cursors
by Bobcat3057I did not really find a good image of the no internet dino, so I drew...
Fun Cats TeaserFun Cats Cursors
by Bobcat586I do not expect a good rating out of this, I did it just for fun! Enj...
Cartoon Hand TeaserCartoon Hand Cursors
by Bobcat1787This is actually the hand from pokemon quest. I loved it, and I reall...
Wing Beacon TeaserWing Beacon Cursors
by Bobcat172I made this cursor set for the TOTM contest. I did not know what to d...
Electricat TeaserElectricat Cursors
by Bobcat1389I love pokemon, especially pikachu, and I also love cats, so I decide...

Show all icon and cursor sets.

Forum topics, where Bobcat participated

Recent comments

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user icon Speechless registered user on May 21st 2021


user icon TheDreamAchrone registered user on May 26th 2021


user icon Iota registered user on June 4th 2021

Try and make more simple designs with a modern and sleek look, like you started with "material blue" but making slightly more orthodox text symbols and a nicer link select. Also, I recommend using the main part of the cursor for your accents (working symbol and help symbols).

user icon Anonymous on July 18th 2021

great job! I like your work! :-)

user icon ʄʟɨӼ registered user on October 28th 2021

I mean, if you'd like, i'll trade a coral for a black spray

user icon Anonymous on December 29th 2021

how can you do butifull like that WOW

user icon Anonymous on January 6th 2022

amazing bob cat you are 12 years old and you can customize cursors continue like this I hope you turn thirteen great friend I am very amazed I still do not understand the effort it takes to make these cursors for a remix I will download some of your cursors

user icon Moved registered user on June 19th 2022

Man everyone miss you icon-image/24272-16x16x32.png image

user icon BG5DF registered user on September 16th 2023

Name thief!!!!

user icon BG5DF registered user on October 7th 2023

Wait no, i checked some things and i realise that we got the same name idea

user icon Anonymous
Vista & Win 7 icons
Select background
I wish there were...
What about ICL files?