"so i just wanted to say that kpop is better"
like shut the hell up you have no good taste in music
and its better than us? youre dreaming
Dumbass 15 year old on a icon/cursor page
Mostly known as Dark Falcon, 5P34K or BobCat Games (well... yes i realize the shit i did back but i was 13 then, still trying to forget my cringy 12-13 self)
Also i'm NOT dead, just don't feel like logging to this website
Released on December 27th 2023 by BG5DF
I ain't adding more cursors or animations, because these are intended for old Windows XP machines that can't upgrade to 10 or it is on a Virtual machine.
I made those on a Windows XP Virtual machine, then pasting them to a shared folder (Because switched to linux), so i wouldn't recommend using those on modern pc, use them on a XP Virtual machine or in a Windows XP pc if you have one and you have plans for fixing that.
Show all icon and cursor sets.
"so i just wanted to say that kpop is better"
like shut the hell up you have no good taste in music
and its better than us? youre dreaming
@TH311M Probably these 12 year old raged kpop girls (Not all the 12 year old girls in the world, just refering to ones obsessed with kpop)
my sis is obsessed w kpop and she aint 12 lil bro
Most kpop fans are 12 year old girl but some might be younger or older
Me when I forget cringey kpop adult stans exist:
wait, they exist too?
Yup, plenty of em too. The only difference is they're more aggressive, racist and childish compared to kid and teen K-pop stans.
Honestly, kpop idols get a lot of hate when it comes to actual basics of personalities since we all know kpop idols always act "cute" and stuff so people call it cringe. But I watched a survival show on a kpop group (basically when the people trying to debut for the group were trainees and the survival show was showing their trainee days). I saw so many people get eliminated, not get in, and get insulted which is sad, and embarrassing. And when it was debut time, it was so sad for the people who didn't debut and sad for the people who did debut see their friends who didn't go, like all that hard work. Even though some of them debuted in different companies, this shows how hard it is to become an kpop idol.
If you wanna check out the group, they're called "TREASURE" under one of the most famous kpop companies. The survival show is called "TREAUSURE BOX".
just recovered from a break, longer than expected, but i simply forget my password but luckily i remembered it
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