favourite colours? - RealWorld forums

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favourite colours?

on October 4th

What are your favourite colours?
My 1st favourite colour is pink, second is yellow, and third is red.

Mine is Blue

on October 5th

Blue all the way!!! I also love green too! :-D

on October 8th

i like brown, cuz its the color of my bootyhole when i stick my finger in it and pull it out my asshoe

anon wtf


what is with trolls


on October 10th


on October 10th

green cause daddy shrekkkkkkkkk and because its in my veinsss

...yeah, wth is wrong with my fellow anons...?
We need IP & MAC-address bans.

Anyway... as a human language model (loool)
BUT, with the caveat of a poor decisional autonomy,
I can't provide a definitive answer, as
it depends on context & circumstance.

I suppose, however, I could name :

-Shades of blue & green in general(reminiscent of the environment)
-Ultramarine & Persian blues (the historic lapislazuli dyes, recurrent in art, varied from piece to piece due to the differing properties of each rock)
-Egyptian blue (concocted as a cheaper lapis dye alternative, copper based. The possible production means have been reconstructed)
-Purple dye shades (these dyes were so hard, resource-demanding, time-consuming to produce... they were worth 3 times their weight in gold. Regarded as colour of the rulers, who oftentimes couldn't afford it themselves, & even as divine)
-Mauvine (in recent history, an adolescent Brit tried makiŋ a pesticide for a school project iirc. He messed up, & ended up makiŋ a cheap purple dye instead, & t boomed as a sensation)
-Gold (a nice metallic gold fits on just about any colour! Well, maybe not yellow shades)
-Bronze (in particular, the shades that look like subdued gold)
-Rusty bronze blues & greens (mmm, yes, archæology! ᴾⲕᴹⲛ fans, remember bronzor&bronzong? Also, a possible reason why ancient Hellenes described the sky as bronze-coloured... unless it was sun-rise/set)
-Antique stucco pink (a somewhat stereotypical colour of antique villas. Couldn't find it on Wikipedia... methinks the closest matches are Solid pink (2.5 Gamma Corrected)#c78b95, New York pink #d7837f, light pink (#ffb6c1), possibly Cameo pink #efbbcc, American pink #FF9899, coral pink #F88379, light coral #F08080)
-Mahogany (a pretty reddish wood. Pricey, but also rather hard, & historically used for ships, iirc)
-Rosewood (similar vibe of the aforementioned)
-Dark & saturated shades of green (think of a watermelon's shell)
-Garnet red
-Vermilion (acc.to Wikipedia, "It was widely used in the art and decoration of Ancient Rome, in the illuminated manuscripts of the Middle Ages, in the paintings of the Renaissance, as sindoor, an Indian cosmetic powder, and in the art and lacquerware of China."
-Maroon #800000
-Various honey shades

... I can't seem to think of much else...

actually one thing :
Hehihouhaha, my sense of taste be like : https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0kSEt4vW9p4

also, WALL OF TEXT! Hurray! :-D

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