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Unknown author (2024-02-05 14:57:42):

Deez nutz

Unknown author (2024-02-06 15:18:46):

Deez nutz

BG5DF (2024-02-06 15:27:18):


Unknown author (2024-02-06 15:34:14):

Deez nutz

BG5DF (2024-02-06 16:40:55):

lmao this comment section is geting flooded of those deez nutz

Unknown author (2024-02-07 15:19:28):

Dez nutz

BG5DF (2024-02-09 15:50:46):


Unknown author (2024-02-09 16:07:13):

suck a vape and look like a ape

BG5DF (2024-02-14 07:37:45):


Unknown author (2024-02-14 13:45:14):

Yeah sucking vape is bad for ur lungs unless u wanna look ugly and age ur skin and look like ur 40 but 18. Not saying that anybody here is, just based on basic science and health class studies.

BG5DF (2024-02-16 16:27:10):

yeah, vaping is almost bad as smoking

Unknown author (2024-02-23 22:35:47):

but i guess you ain't on that level yet kid.

Henry vntv (2024-02-25 02:54:27):


BG5DF (2024-02-27 18:17:50):


Unknown author (2024-03-11 18:46:02):

I'm gonna snip those lovely balls off baby :-D

TenZue (2024-03-14 22:36:12):

the heck?

BG5DF (2024-03-15 16:28:20):

Get deleted trash anonymous

TenZue (2024-03-18 05:00:21):

Anonymous's are jst weird bro

BG5DF (2024-03-22 13:04:27):

Probably some 5 years old kids thinking they are funny by talking about s3x and shit like that

Unknown author (2024-03-26 22:58:51):

Mother fucker how about u be funny since u wanna say shitt about us

BG5DF (2024-04-01 12:01:46):

i ain't saying shit, i am describing YOU

xTikans (2024-04-01 20:42:26):

yeah, and that's saying something fr. smh

TenZue (2024-04-05 00:32:37):

anon bro like ya'll get mad when we say facts when ya'll jst talkin abt dirty things. What happens on the internet stays on the internet

BG5DF (2024-04-05 15:34:08):

true lol

★☆ĐɼɛɑɯÐøɭɭ¹²☆★ (2024-04-07 23:54:15):

huh and why tf is anonymous talking about balls getting cut off

BG5DF (2024-04-08 17:27:52):

Because is an Anonymous; of course is going to say weird/dirty things. So i decided to leave

xTikans (2024-04-08 18:07:18):

5P34K, it's alright man. Take a break if u need to.

BG5DF (2024-04-11 16:25:12):

I decided to come back after a short time

BG5DF (2024-05-17 21:20:14):

Nah, i ain't listening to your whining about shit i did on the past 'cause youre useless anyways

TenZue (2024-05-18 22:58:53):


also the name Pepsi seems familiar like a person I think I have beef with or smth

hm idk

BG5DF (2024-05-18 23:01:01):

Bruh why the fuck are you still bringing that bobcat bullshit? i was that stupid bobcat games, thus you pretend your older yet bring these gen alpha and ugly fat ass comebacks, really? also i cuss because of worthless persons like you, ruining the website cause you re all nothing but BUMFUCKS talking about dirty things. you got 0 proof that im failing at school, you're falling so stfu.
hurt? lmfao this fuckin idiot's brain is too small he dont realize he cant beat up people on internet. what a shame, you probably one of these skibidi kids, also correction: fortnite and free fire are for cringy skibidi kids. ass shirt to small? why tf i would be like those idiots wearing short shirts showing the belly button? in other words: You suck at roasting and your parents are every 1 minute beating you up with the belt because youre a failed, worthless and dirty leech

also tenzue, remember he is an anonymous user; doesn't know what is he talking about

TenZue (2024-05-18 23:02:52):

"U ugly ass fat ass shirt too small, belly button peaking out yo shirt like an eyeball having ass boi." That's gotta be personal towards u

Unknown author (2024-05-19 00:48:57):

DAMN :-o :-o :-o :-( :-( :-( |-) |-) |-)

TenZue (2024-05-19 02:16:45):

dark falcon k :-)

BG5DF (2024-05-19 09:39:46):


Unknown author (2024-05-19 11:53:18):


TenZue (2024-05-20 05:43:21):

sh :L

BG5DF (2024-05-20 19:23:51):

lil children with that skibidi bullshit

TenZue (2024-05-20 22:20:36):

I agree lmaoo

Unknown author (2024-05-21 08:06:23):


BG5DF (2024-05-21 16:20:48):

u mad?

Unknown author (2024-05-21 21:19:44):


Unknown author (2024-05-23 19:45:24):

dark falcon?

more like ohio falcon!!

BG5DF (2024-05-25 19:16:49):


TenZue (2024-05-27 06:50:56):


Unknown author (2024-05-27 16:14:24):


Unknown author (2024-06-02 15:15:59):

- Skibidi

BG5DF (2024-06-10 22:24:15):

Average skibidi kid lmao

TenZue (2024-06-11 04:39:39):



TenZue (2024-06-11 17:05:40):

dark falcon, check what someone told u in eveelovers profile

TenZue (2024-06-11 17:59:50):



BG5DF (2024-06-11 22:07:40):

well thanks for advising me about anonymous

oh yeah about the padlet thingy i dont think i would use it now as i have lots of exams and i need to study alot cuz i not really good at school stuff, so maybe on vacations?

TenZue (2024-06-11 22:20:27):

hmm alright

BG5DF (2024-06-17 08:13:59):

k, anyways i will be a little more active this week

TenZue (2024-06-17 23:40:12):

Eid Mubarak

BG5DF (2024-06-19 16:51:48):

Come on, say all the hate you want, if you hate me, but i got no ideas, however, i would come back but a pretty short time if i have any ideas, though im planning to dualboot linux mint and win10, and most likely i will rip icons from windows betas

TenZue (2024-06-23 23:54:19):

huh? whoo?

BG5DF (2024-06-25 09:58:59):

While i just come back is just for a very short time as i ripped Windows Vista beta icons, and i plan to rip Windows 7 beta icons, as some are drastically different from the final. Regarding TenZue's question, most Anonymous users.

★☆ĐɼɛɑɯÐøɭɭ¹²☆★ (2024-06-25 11:19:02):

hi icon-image/26415-16x16x32.png image

zombie_grunk (2024-06-26 21:27:40):

so, I just wanted to say that kpop is better than you sorry not sorry

TenZue (2024-06-27 07:00:29):

kpop is way more cringe than what u js said, sorry not sorry :-D

if u think u achieved something from that in life, imma js tell u, the only thing u achieved is by ur dad going out to look for a better son that is way more better than u, don't even get me started on why ur name sounds like an 1980 re created video game cover.

BG5DF (2024-07-30 11:08:16):

zombie_grunk average 12 year old raged kpop girl

TenZue (2024-08-09 08:40:47):

dark falcons ur uncool hehehehheherehehhehehehe

TenZue (2024-08-09 23:05:11):


BG5DF (2024-08-16 16:59:13):


TenZue (2024-08-24 04:39:37):

bro changed his 99th user

world record


TH311M (2024-08-25 20:28:21):

"so i just wanted to say that kpop is better"
like shut the hell up you have no good taste in music
and its better than us? youre dreaming

BG5DF (2024-09-06 16:12:20):

@TH311M Probably these 12 year old raged kpop girls (Not all the 12 year old girls in the world, just refering to ones obsessed with kpop)

TenZue (2024-09-07 02:50:10):

my sis is obsessed w kpop and she aint 12 lil bro

BG5DF (2024-09-07 23:46:39):

Most kpop fans are 12 year old girl but some might be younger or older

TenZue (2024-09-08 21:33:36):


xTikans (2024-10-10 19:35:25):

Me when I forget cringey kpop adult stans exist:

BG5DF (2024-10-16 08:17:12):

wait, they exist too?

xTikans (2024-10-24 19:14:16):

Yup, plenty of em too. The only difference is they're more aggressive, racist and childish compared to kid and teen K-pop stans.

TenZue (2025-02-01 21:32:21):

Honestly, kpop idols get a lot of hate when it comes to actual basics of personalities since we all know kpop idols always act "cute" and stuff so people call it cringe. But I watched a survival show on a kpop group (basically when the people trying to debut for the group were trainees and the survival show was showing their trainee days). I saw so many people get eliminated, not get in, and get insulted which is sad, and embarrassing. And when it was debut time, it was so sad for the people who didn't debut and sad for the people who did debut see their friends who didn't go, like all that hard work. Even though some of them debuted in different companies, this shows how hard it is to become an kpop idol.

If you wanna check out the group, they're called "TREASURE" under one of the most famous kpop companies. The survival show is called "TREAUSURE BOX".

BG5DF (2025-03-03 22:47:44):

just recovered from a break, longer than expected, but i simply forget my password but luckily i remembered it

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