You can freely express a unpopular opinion here
Example: ai is awful
Fries are better with no sauce
Tater tots are better than fries, Anonymous!
Another one: We should say program instead of app
we say app because its easier and quicker to say, since app means an APPlication
sometimes it just feels good to use a big cursor.
I use high contrast mode when looking at something creepy tbh.
windows default cursors suuuuuck
@nibbler well yours isn't very unpopular cuz lots of reddit threads are about your opinion so is a popular one
@emojikitch damn, you're not wrong, they look dull and ugly
Jojos Karma is actually kinda fire
Sparkiling water tastes good fight me
My guts are awesome
n word is funny
No it's not
hot dogs are superior to hamburgers
People should start making AI movies.
in all seriousness, please don't :( at a time, as suggested
by the original poster AND
seemingly customary in this thread,
mayhap a-la forum game...? :]
strawberry jelly taste good on pizza