Bad i ain't grandpa anymore
I ain't adding more cursors or animations, because these are intended for old Windows XP machines that can't upgrade to 10 or it is on a Virtual machine.
I made those on a Windows XP Virtual machine, then pasting them to a shared folder (Because switched to linux), so i wouldn't recommend using those on modern pc, use them on a XP Virtual machine or in a Windows XP pc if you have one and you have plans for fixing that.
Bad i ain't grandpa anymore
Well no shit read the fucking description
5 out of 5 stars.
I like the side cursor pointers.
4.5 out of 5 stars.
they're nice. Appreciate the effort!
thanks, glad you liked it!
Not bad bro, I like these sideways kind of cursors
good for windows xp cursors
Find out how Vista icons differ from XP icons.
See how RealWorld Icon Editor handles Vista icons.