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treeman12342 (2021-03-10 08:38:22):

really good :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

really good :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

Frog_Lilly (2021-03-10 08:41:44):

Thank you! :^D

R0mKa (2021-03-10 10:05:33 / 4 stars):

Pretty fine, but can you fix the hotspots? Thank you. 4 stars incoming :-)

SlizzyG (2021-03-10 13:27:32 / 3 stars):

This is a nice set, but the hotspots are off, and you don't have all 17 roles. other than that, good set.

Lihpe25 (2021-03-10 19:06:48 / 5 stars):

thank you very much bro it’s some of the cursor that i liked the most

RIDDLER (2021-03-10 23:02:11 / 5 stars):

This cursor set deserves 5 stars. You need to fix your hotspots so that the cursors are properly usable.

Frog_Lilly (2021-03-11 04:23:42):

I have just fixed the hotspots! let me know how they are :-)

giancarlos montero (2021-03-13 14:55:52 / 5 stars):

:-D it so good

Unknown author (2021-03-14 19:47:16):


clover (2021-03-17 08:50:28 / 4.5 stars):

very cool!! also very accurate to the actual game style wise!!
missing some cursors though, such as the link cursor :-( which is why not 5 stars but still really really cool!!!

ʄʟɨӼ (2021-03-17 14:04:23 / 5 stars):

Nice! icon-image/22183-20x20x32.png image icon-image/22175-20x20x32.png image

Unknown author (2021-06-13 18:59:31):

can u make a pink version please? u dont have to say yes and i dont wanna rush u so if yes take ur time! and rest too!

Unknown author (2021-07-29 19:06:41):

muito dahora

Unknown author (2021-08-25 14:57:40):


Unknown author (2022-02-21 16:43:25):

could you make one for liunx?

Unknown author (2022-05-29 06:53:04):

how to install in linux?

Unknown author (2022-06-16 03:58:48):

gostei mt |-)

Unknown author (2023-01-25 03:11:28):

8-)very cool

Unknown author (2023-09-01 08:27:06):

very cool. just wish there was link select and maybe something to do with the dialog icon like when you hover over an NPC. Otherwise very cool! :-D

Unknown author (2023-11-21 05:37:26):

很喜欢!really love it!

Unknown author (2024-12-08 10:49:26):

Its nice, but the type select feels werid..

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