AKGAMER (2021-08-09 14:56:51):
hello guys hope u guys like it pls add a review [Generic_name] (2021-08-09 15:09:35 / 5 stars):
Nice! You were inspired by my Dark Theme cursor set and made your own! AKGAMER (2021-08-09 15:19:19):
yea how did you know ? ♠♣♥♦Liyan Graphicsツ (2021-08-09 16:03:51 / 5 stars):
I like this cursor set but can you please insert the full set. AKGAMER (2021-08-09 16:06:22):
ok i will do it i was thinking many people would not download all the cursors so i only uploaded these RIDDLER (2021-08-09 18:36:07 / 5 stars):
Why did you upload this cursor set? It already exists here: AKGAMER (2021-08-10 05:05:07):
oh i did not know i got the idea from {generic_name}'s cursors Unknown author (2021-08-10 21:04:33):
no se ingles ni lo e probado pero se lo voy a probar AKGAMER (2021-08-11 09:40:47):
OK Unknown author (2021-08-11 23:53:03):
ok Unknown author (2021-08-12 04:46:03):
Good man AKGAMER (2021-08-12 05:13:16):
Thank You. Unknown author (2021-08-12 05:37:07):
very bad app make some danger arrow AKGAMER (2021-08-12 05:44:50):
This is not an app, This is a website you're not a person to judge this website and if you think the cursors are bad you try making cursors it takes a lot of effort . Unknown author (2021-08-12 14:44:28):
Please upload full-set Unknown author (2021-08-12 15:25:09):
The set is uncompleted Unknown author (2021-08-13 11:31:07):
AKGAMER (2021-08-13 11:36:20):
Thank You I really appreciate it. Unknown author (2021-08-13 14:48:51):
hello ti is good AKGAMER (2021-08-13 15:04:50):
Thank You Unknown author (2021-08-14 03:47:14):
is it good?
Unknown author (2021-08-14 03:48:25):
how to add it on mouse Unknown author (2021-08-15 18:31:29):
Set not comepeleted please compelete it Unknown author (2021-08-16 09:36:35):
Nightfury (2021-09-09 15:34:36 / 5 stars):
incomplte but noice ♠♣♥♦Liyan Graphicsツ (2021-09-24 08:31:24):
incomplete but superb Unknown author (2021-10-07 21:13:05):
thank you Unknown author (2021-11-17 19:31:23):
niceeee Ben Galeas (2021-11-19 05:33:57 / 5 stars):
@Anonymous written:
Customize CursorHow to customize cursorsFirst do this: Unknown author (2021-11-29 01:54:27):
NICE MAN why it so small??? Zelphis (2021-12-01 02:10:37 / 0.5 stars):
Really bro? http://www.rw-designer.com/cursor-set/green-highlight Unknown author (2021-12-30 09:03:19):
menga yoqdi bu cursorlar.Yashil rang mening sevimli rangim.bitta muammo toliqtirishkerak holos. Sichqonchaga bu kursorlarni otkazish uchun;Dastlab uni yuklash kerak,song,uni qayerga joylashganini korish kerak va uni hohlagan disktagi faylga joylashtirish kerak. Unnan keyin ish stolida "Panel upravleniya"ga kirib sichqonchani bosib,pointer ga kirish kerak,songra,"browser"ga kirib,yangi sichqoncha kursorini qayerga joylashtirgan bolsangiz, browserdan shu yerni topib,"Otkrit">"Apply">"Ok"ni bossangiz sizning cursoringiz yangilanadi,yaniy,kompyuteringizdagi kursoringiz yuklagan kursoringizga aylanadi!!! """Video yoqsa layk bosing,"Albatta podpisatsiya(subcribe)tugmasini bosing"""!!! ihihihiihih!!!! Hazil!!!!! mmmm hullas shunaqa,shunaqa qilib sichqoncha kursorini ozgartirish mumkin! Aytgancha mening ismim "Sardorbek"!Men Uzbekistonda yashayman.I live in Uzbekistan! Unknown author (2022-02-09 17:50:00):
Pls complete the set it is sooooooo cooool Unknown author (2022-03-14 07:09:45):
it is copied this date is August 9th 2021 Henry vntv (2022-07-21 05:41:01 / 5 stars):
so cool Unknown author (2023-04-17 21:31:30):
scumbag |