thank you
my first cursors set i did not copy these but did it with my hands hope u like them i like green and black combination and got this idea but they r small
thank you
5 out of 5 stars.
how to add it on mouse
First do this:
Win + R
Type control mouse
Click Pointers
Click Browse
Click Desktop
If you have a folder where you saved it
Double click it
And select the correct files for the cursor
And then click Apply
And OK
And done
I hope this helped you
Download video tutorial here
why it so small???
0.5 out of 5 stars.
Really bro? http://www.rw-designer.com/cursor-set/green-highlight
menga yoqdi bu cursorlar.Yashil rang mening sevimli rangim.bitta muammo toliqtirishkerak holos.
Sichqonchaga bu kursorlarni otkazish uchun;Dastlab uni yuklash kerak,song,uni qayerga joylashganini korish kerak va uni hohlagan disktagi faylga joylashtirish kerak. Unnan keyin ish stolida "Panel upravleniya"ga kirib sichqonchani bosib,pointer ga kirish kerak,songra,"browser"ga kirib,yangi sichqoncha kursorini qayerga joylashtirgan bolsangiz, browserdan shu yerni topib,"Otkrit">"Apply">"Ok"ni bossangiz sizning cursoringiz yangilanadi,yaniy,kompyuteringizdagi kursoringiz yuklagan kursoringizga aylanadi!!! """Video yoqsa layk bosing,"Albatta podpisatsiya(subcribe)tugmasini bosing"""!!! ihihihiihih!!!! Hazil!!!!! mmmm hullas shunaqa,shunaqa qilib sichqoncha kursorini ozgartirish mumkin!
Aytgancha mening ismim "Sardorbek"!Men Uzbekistonda yashayman.I live in Uzbekistan!
Pls complete the set it is sooooooo cooool
it is copied this date is August 9th 2021
but another one http://www.rw-designer.com/cursor-set/green-highlight is August 15th 2017... So this is copied
5 out of 5 stars.
so cool
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