this is AWESOME!
These are all lime green cursors. Please tell me what you think.
this is AWESOME!
3 out of 5 stars.
the grow is pointless and the text one and unavailable one are hard to see
thank you so much!!!
I think your a genius! Thank you very much.
thanks just what i was looking for! great job!
Nice mouse cursor.
5 out of 5 stars.
Please can you create more classic cursors like this for Windows XP and Windows 7.
4.5 out of 5 stars.
To thatguy: The Grow.ani isn't useless. It can be used as a Working in Background or a Busy cursor.
Set review: This is a pretty set, I like green. I've just downloaded them. But I've also noticed that some hotspots were off their respective place, luckily only 2 cursors have this problem. The cursors are: Busy.cur and Unavalible.ani, you misspelled unavailable, but everybody makes mistakes. The cursors I mentioned need to have their hotspot on the center. Just fix that problem, and I'll increase my rating. Please, send me a message directly, when you've fixed the hotspots.
thank you !!!
5 out of 5 stars.
The sizer 3 cursor looks bad and the Busy hotspot is way off in the wrong place.
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See how RealWorld Icon Editor handles Vista icons.