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xXLucas cursorsXx (2021-09-24 21:34:52):

Thank you guys

♠♣♥♦Liyan Graphicsツ (2021-09-27 08:30:03 / 0.5 stars):

What are you doing it's nice if you got credits!!! icon-image/22914-16x16x32.png image

Unknown author (2021-09-27 22:29:36):


well they are THE BEST CURSORS!!!

000 (2021-09-28 00:48:06):


Unknown author (2021-09-28 05:53:15):

Imagine putting 0.5 stars when its so cool

Unknown author (2021-09-28 12:55:18):

you should make a thunder cursor and add more details 8-)

Phantom (2021-09-28 14:18:58 / 2 stars):

Add credits dude, just say who made them.
If you did that i would give over 4 stars :/

Unknown author (2021-09-28 17:44:25):

i love these cursors

i think it is a 5.5 out of 5.5

i use all of these

Unknown author (2021-09-29 15:25:45):

:-) :-D it is so cool!

Unknown author (2021-10-01 02:08:33):

Bruh 8-)

ʄʟɨӼ (2021-10-12 16:26:59 / 0.5 stars):

Not your cursors. 0.5 stars for not having credits. sorry :-(

Unknown author (2021-10-13 12:41:15):

porn please :-(

Unknown author (2022-06-20 14:38:37):
-) </td><td>-) -) </td><td>-) -) </td><td>-) -) </td><td>-) 8-) 8-) 8-) </td><td>-) -) 8-) 8-) </td><td>-) :-o :-( 8-) :-o 8-) :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-D ;-) :-) :-D :-) :-) ;-) ;-) :-) ;-) :-) :-) :-( :-( :-( 8-) 8-) :-o :-) ;-) ;-) :-o :-)
Unknown author (2022-11-12 10:14:26):

8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)

:-) :-o :-o :-o ;-) 8-) 8-) |-) :-) ;-) 8-)

Unknown author (2022-12-14 07:27:59):


Unknown author (2023-01-03 18:48:07):


Unknown author (2023-01-05 13:41:02):

your mom

Unknown author (2023-02-21 00:28:49):


Unknown author (2023-03-01 15:57:33):

xxx is best in my life :-)

Unknown author (2023-03-16 13:34:29):

:-o mela pela el anonymous

Unknown author (2023-03-23 22:49:15):

:-) nunca vi uno site como esse antes

Unknown author (2023-03-31 14:57:45):

pliss ad LIGHTIN wihte cursor

Unknown author (2023-04-26 02:52:49):

plis ad lighting white cursor

Unknown author (2023-05-19 21:58:24):


Unknown author (2023-08-22 20:21:58):


Unknown author (2024-05-05 14:36:28):

:-( :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o

Unknown author (2024-07-04 23:05:51):


Random Person (2024-11-20 04:50:01 / 5 stars):

the best

Unknown author (2025-02-28 23:47:56):

ey feo

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