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♣Aworld♣ (2021-11-04 22:32:55 / 5 stars):

Wow, amazing! you should do more color variants :-o

RIDDLER (2021-11-04 23:22:27 / 5 stars):

This green hacker cursor set is lovely. Thanks for choosing green.

nightklp (2021-11-05 06:20:09 / 5 stars):

Hecker : ) xd

GeorgiosNexus (2021-11-05 12:45:33 / 5 stars):

wow. Amazing :-o

Unknown author (2021-11-07 02:39:03):

wow so amazing

Unknown author (2021-11-08 01:21:16):

Vc poderia fazer em vermelho? eu amei esse conjunto é incrivel! :-)

10/5 namoral

Unknown author (2021-11-08 02:37:34):


boi (2021-11-08 21:57:59 / 5 stars):


Unknown author (2021-11-09 08:51:59):


ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2021-11-09 16:20:32 / 5 stars):

cool icon-image/9565-16x16x32.png image

✧ • Skyler • ✧ (2021-11-10 15:47:32 / 4.5 stars):

Hermoso pero falta negro para estar a 5 estrellas, yo le doy 4.5 estrellas

000 (2021-11-16 04:42:56):

Este si me sorprende, oye men no te ofendas tu tambien sabes hacer punteros lo que pasa es que estoy acostumbrado a los animados como este creado por mi



Unknown author (2021-12-08 12:36:16):

This looks amazing dude 8-)

Unknown author (2022-05-04 18:39:46):

When my friend Fred showed me this "Hacker Cursor" pack I was shocked. Could this really be real? Yes. More real then Fred was. I installed these and was in love. I love the hacker feel. I just wish we never had that argument.

I am so sorry
I want her back
39.909782, -117.819400

Carlos :-) 8-)

Unknown author (2022-05-23 01:28:15):


Unknown author (2022-08-25 03:34:09):

Does it work

Unknown author (2022-08-28 06:17:39):

its good but i prefer windows normal curssor shape

Unknown author (2022-11-02 19:46:54):

:-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D Its the best

Unknown author (2023-03-14 16:00:30):

5 stArs i have used this for all my devises
:-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D 8-) 8-) ;-)

xTikans (2024-05-20 16:12:45 / 4.5 stars):

i like the binary codes of 01s coming out of the cursors, looks really neat

Unknown author (2024-06-18 14:57:59):

8-) amazing dude.

RIDDLER (2024-12-26 23:10:07):

Those green hacker cursors are dazzling.

Unknown author (2025-01-28 01:56:47):

:-D cool

Unknown author (2025-03-29 01:27:57):

so cool

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