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Unknown author (2022-09-24 09:58:32):

nice cursor pack for girls try to make aero cursor white the original but that big ;-)

Account not found (2022-09-24 21:58:37 / 5 stars):

This cursor set is soo great, please add the person select and location select, even thougth im male and i don't use pink stuff, good job icon-image/23970-16x16x32.png image

RIDDLER (2022-09-24 22:22:09 / 5 stars):

This outline pink cursor set is so great. Please can you add the Location Select and Person Select cursor roles.

°⭐ Aquarius Girl ⭐° (2022-09-25 23:49:13):

Thank you all! And location selection and person selection have already been added! :))

Unknown author (2022-09-26 10:49:33):

이거 너무 귀엽고 정말 좋아요
쓰기도 좋고 너무 눈에 튀지도 않고 깔끔하고 보기 좋은 디자인이라
심플한거 좋아하는 분들이 쓰기 좋은 커서예요 정말 좋아요 :-디

Unknown author (2022-09-26 20:09:40):

couldn't download :-(

Henry vntv (2022-09-27 16:14:03 / 5 stars):

so cooool icon-image/24519-16x16x32.png image

The Animator (2022-09-28 06:47:29):

i like it even tho im a boy, ill still use it ;-)

nabio99 (2022-09-30 23:58:57):


✧ • Skyler • ✧ (2022-10-02 19:47:45 / 5 stars):

Podrias hacer otro pack de cursores igual a este pero de celeste pastel pls :-) ?

En mi opinion, yo te doy 5 estrellas :)
Nell☪ (2022-10-03 22:45:35):


Unknown author (2022-10-05 10:00:30):

i love it simpul but cute works pirfictly ith my cute themed cp :-D

14_5936 (2022-11-27 22:49:23 / 5 stars):

good cursor 8-)

Unknown author (2022-12-02 14:12:36):

its cute!! thanks for the hard work :-)

RIDDLER (2023-01-07 20:10:37):

This pink one is nice too. Please make a green one as well.

Unknown author (2025-03-25 21:07:37):

nossa eu ameii deixou meu pc ainda mais fofooooo
:-D :-D :-D

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