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Account not found's profile

View Account not found's timeline, last visit on January 20th 2023

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Lima Cursors (17 cursors)

Released on September 3rd 2022 by Account not found

Sorry for the super long wait on the cursor seet, i was too busy in other things tht i didn't had time to make these cursors, yep, improved a bit my cursor design, it have all 17 cursor roles, do not request to improve design please.

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Show all icon and cursor sets.

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user icon xTikans registered user on February 23rd


user icon TenZue registered user on April 7th


hate it how rwc doesn't allow other emojis to be sent in

user icon Anonymous on May 20th

Hey Wacky you had a youtube accout???

also, rip :-(

user icon BG5DF registered user on June 13th

Who's this guy???

user icon Anonymous on June 20th

Wackycord is this guy here. Also ultimate name used by him before renaming to Account not found and leaving as a coward. But this guy is a good guy. A lot of people like him here and he doesn't value it. Before Wackycord he was Starfruit7, an excellent gamer. I'm not going to say anything after all, I'm not Wikipedia to be an encyclopedia. What can we say if he doesn't want to come back...

All the while, from Starfruit7 to Wackycord he used the user color red. Always red!

user icon Anonymous on June 22nd

here we have it in the oldest previous account. This old account advertises an even older private account, perhaps one of the first. You can check out the gallery and download really cool icons and cursors. But he recommended not posting comments there, because his recent account is here.

NewAccInDesc is a old private account with 3 sets to download. OK.

user icon BG5DF registered user on July 30th

Alright got it

user icon Anonymous on August 6th

Hey guys, Wackycord here. I came here for this to say this: While I improved my grammar (Because English isn't my main language) and my graphic designing skills it's mostly likely i won't come back, mostly because I lost not my account, by rather my password, and I see that drama is being caused by troll accounts, and some anonymous people, during the past year's late January decided to ditch all my account due to personal reasons, i haven't checking what was going on in RealWorld, and for some reason the mean/rude anonymous people increased. I won't come back to YouTube neither because of how is being absolutely ruined. But i would come back to other websites such as, and instead of joining YouTube to give it a chance again I would join an alternative called BitView, a website that looks like old youtube, you can find most being uploaded content in YouTube, such as gameplays, animations, etc, I might also register in some forums.


user icon Anonymous on August 7th

I forget to say, I might get a new email soon!

user icon Anonymous on December 1st

ur cursors are trash dude theyre ugly as s

you should jump on a cliff cuz ur cringe 8-)

user icon Anonymous
Vista & Win 7 icons
What about ICL files?
I wish there were...
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