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RIDDLER (2023-06-09 19:08:24 / 5 stars):


Unknown author (2023-06-09 19:23:29):

quality (*****) yes and it is very good, should be featured top page tbh this fire.

nibbler (2023-06-10 07:27:37):

Thanks for the reviews! icon-image/23772-16x16x32.png image

ʎppnᙠ ǝsuǝsuoN (2023-06-10 13:51:20 / 5 stars):

Ummmm... What is Alkano?

Unknown author (2023-06-10 17:38:32):

De lo mejor que he visto xd

nibbler (2023-06-10 18:49:37):

@Nonsense Buddy

Unknown author (2023-06-27 00:01:14):

:-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

Henry vntv (2023-07-05 11:48:10 / 5 stars):

i love them :-D icon-image/24255-16x16x32.png image

Xudatxa (2023-07-22 13:55:58 / 5 stars):

rsrc/okay1.gif image 8-)

hamzasolom20 (2023-08-02 23:10:49):

terrific job getting the cursor set.

Unknown author (2023-08-10 02:28:11):

Cursors to add: :-)

Alias (Shortcut Select)
Cell (a fat Crosshair)
Context menu (Normal cursor and document)
Copy (Normal cursor and green plus sign)
Column Resize (↔ crossed by 2 vertical lines)
Grab (hand preparing to grab)
Grabbing (hand grabbing (something))
No Drop (Link select with Unvaliable)
Row Resize (↕️ crossed by 2 horizontal lines)
Vertical Text (Text select with sideways line)
Zoom In (magnifying glass with plus sign in the glass)
Zoom out (magnifying glass with minus sign in the glass)

Unknown author (2023-08-21 21:32:31):

is linux cursor?

nibbler (2024-08-29 06:12:23):

icon-image/10213-32x32x32.png image

Some stupid people be like...

eunZM (2024-12-22 12:21:03 / 5 stars):


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