ʎppnᙠ ǝsuǝsuoN's profile

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ʎppnᙠ ǝsuǝsuoN's profile

View ʎppnᙠ ǝsuǝsuoN's timeline, last visit on December 8th 2023

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Name:Jorge Weis

Hey there! My name's Jorge, I have 13 years old and I'm known as nonsense buddy here, I make cursor sets mostly of quality. I found this page when this question came to my mind: How I can customize my cursor?, and luckly found this site with multiple design tools! My birthday is in th 7th of september.
If you have any cursor suggestions send me a private message here! It doesn't matter if you're an anonymus :-). Just dont use bad words >:(. THX!

Featured art


Monochrome gif Cursors (17 cursors)

Released on May 14th 2023 by ʎppnᙠ ǝsuǝsuoN

I inspired from my loading DOT cursor one, and decided to add the black'n white color scheme gradient. Hope you like it and tell me to change something! :-)
And also credits for this set I took from the feather sprite and recolor it: http://www.rw-designer.com/cursor-set/feather-pen

Latest art

Halloween TeaserHalloween Cursors
by ʎppnᙠ ǝsuǝsuoN609I've been into final exams, now I got time to upload the set. This is...
Circle TeaserCircle Cursors
by ʎppnᙠ ǝsuǝsuoN2781I started them a month ago but due to not enough time I couldn't fini...
Sketchy TeaserSketchy Cursors
by ʎppnᙠ ǝsuǝsuoN933Sorry for not uploading anything for a while, I\'ve been on exams and...
Ghost TeaserGhost Cursors
by ʎppnᙠ ǝsuǝsuoN375No, it's not the ghost emoji... THE POINTERS ARE TRANSPARENT AS A GHOST
Brown car TeaserBrown car Cursors
by ʎppnᙠ ǝsuǝsuoN300Another request made by TheDerpyGirl, now's your turn to request in t...
Random number I TeaserRandom number I Cursors
by ʎppnᙠ ǝsuǝsuoN196This set I made so you can vote wich of these sets I make it full, FA...
Teal car TeaserTeal car Cursors
by ʎppnᙠ ǝsuǝsuoN190Requested by TheDerpyGirl, green and brown are incoming!
Steve (Minecraft) demo TeaserSteve (Minecraft) demo Cursors
by ʎppnᙠ ǝsuǝsuoN2294THIS SET IS NOT COMPLETE YET! If you want to give recommendations com...
Purple car TeaserPurple car Cursors
by ʎppnᙠ ǝsuǝsuoN215Requested by ThDerpyGirl, and as her you can make more than one reque...
Pink car TeaserPink car Cursors
by ʎppnᙠ ǝsuǝsuoN101♡♥Silvia♥♡ requested this one, next is purple and then you de...

Show all icon and cursor sets.

Forum topics, where ʎppnᙠ ǝsuǝsuoN participated

Recent comments

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user icon LieDie registered user on June 10th 2023

Hello!!! Thanks for rating on my cursors

user icon Anonymous on September 21st 2023

ʎppnᙠ ǝsuǝsuoN
make a popcorn set

user icon BG5DF registered user on October 3rd 2023

Why you had to reveal your personal information?

user icon ʎppnᙠ ǝsuǝsuoN registered user on October 4th 2023

How you know if what i'm saying is real

I can be a bit liar

user icon BG5DF registered user on October 9th 2023

I don't reveal personal information cuz hackers could know where do i live


user icon Anonymous on October 13th 2023

Definitively a mango

user icon Anonymous on October 19th 2023

No, it's orange

user icon Anonymous on December 6th 2023

i live in a pineapple bro

user icon ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ contributing user on January 26th 2024


you are one of the winner's of the October 2023 TOTM (Theme of the Month) Contest! ~

user icon Anonymous on November 26th 2024

this so cool

user icon Anonymous
I wish there were...
Vista & Win 7 icons
Select background
What about ICL files?