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TenZue (2023-09-13 03:48:23):

Help me get this to top cursor sets. I hope you guys like it, and yes I know its incomplete but I have my reasons.

'W' OR 'L' chain ⇊⇊⇊⇊⇊⇊⇊⇊⇊⇊⇊⇊⇊⇊⇊⇊⇊⇊⇊⇊⇊⇊⇊⇊⇊⇊⇊⇊⇊⇊⇊⇊⇊⇊⇊⇊⇊⇊⇊⇊

BG5DF (2023-09-14 15:43:52 / 5 stars):


RIDDLER (2023-09-14 23:40:07 / 5 stars):

Nice pointers that deserves 5 stars.

Unknown author (2023-09-15 04:10:40):


nice :-)

Unknown author (2023-09-15 21:53:49):


Unknown author (2023-09-16 12:41:58):


Unknown author (2023-09-18 10:56:33):


hamzasolom20 (2023-09-20 17:01:23):

Hey where did my comment go?

Unknown author (2023-09-20 17:15:50):

how do i equip it>

TenZue (2023-09-21 04:38:30):

How to equip it? Need help? Not a problem! Let me teach you!: Go to the cursor you wanna download, then click the blue rectangle Download button.

After completing Download? It will be necessary to extract the ZIP file with the cursors to a folder that you can create. Take Note: To extract the cursors; it is necessary to have WinZIP, or other competitors, in case your computer does not recognize your downloaded file.

Finishing: To apply? You will go straight to the Windows Control Panel Menu. Then, locate about pointers and mouse; for manual application. If you can't see the 17 functions to configure? Exit!! Go for the Windows Search function, which appears in the start menu and write: "Main.cpl" if it does not open, write: "Mouse.cpl" Sure, now it will work.

Credits to: http://www.rw-designer.com/user/111358
for the tips! :-)

Xudatxa Copacabana (2023-09-21 09:34:48 / 5 stars):

I really liked these cursors and all the different combinations that provide a wide choice for each occasion of use. My favorites are: Rainbow PC and Black Chroma PC. rsrc/okay1.gif image 8-)

Unknown author (2023-09-21 23:44:54):

why cant I change my cusrsors

TenZue (2023-09-22 00:23:24):

Are you in a school chromebook or a home chromebook?

TenZue (2023-10-01 00:18:59):


Mr. Hand (2023-10-10 23:16:11 / 3.5 stars):

Kind of just a recolor of [NONE] cursor in Windows 10, but it's still decent. :-)

Unknown author (2023-10-13 10:00:08):

Anonymous, Chromebook is REALLY BAD, It has bad software compatibility and makes you look like a 7 year old kid who is always complaining about people hating he/she because bullying others. Linux is way better

Unknown author (2023-10-23 19:20:40):

Windows is objectively the best.

Unknown author (2023-10-26 01:49:28):

TYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY :-) Reallyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy nice and cool 8-)

Zune (2023-10-28 22:00:01 / 5 stars):


Unknown author (2023-10-30 01:39:43):

kentfyy discord

BG5DF (2024-02-16 17:50:02):

Anon, Windows 7 is better than W10/11 or ChromeOS, but Linux is the real winner, also sorry for the trouble i caused some time ago

Unknown author (2024-02-26 17:14:46):


4f5rd first setwithpc


(just glitching bro ;-) )

BG5DF (2024-02-29 19:09:07):


Unknown author (2024-03-03 20:58:41):

i mean cpy

Curso Megathon (2024-08-16 23:09:32 / 5 stars):

these are of variable color :-o

TenZue (2025-02-01 21:35:29):

This had became one of the TOP best sets of 2023, thank ya'll so much!!

RIDDLER (2025-02-03 15:36:52):

The rainbows are dazzling.

Anonymous (2025-02-10 08:17:27 / 5 stars):

Wow, this is your MOST popular set. Dang, never knew this set would've just blown up, huh? Well good to know that your sets are getting some respect. I would like to see the outline Chroma cursor sets next if that's fine. And notice-well look, you finally have an "almost" complete set this time.

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