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RIDDLER (2023-11-11 03:11:48 / 5 stars):

Those Wii 2 cursors are awesome.

ViniciusGamer-blox (2023-11-11 14:00:50):

Thanks! :-D

Unknown author (2023-11-13 15:33:17):

these are good, but I wish you still used the Wii hand pointer from the Wii itself. if I had the time to make an account I'd rate it 3.5 stars. just being honest that's all.

Unknown author (2023-11-14 00:48:46):

bad do not recommend

Unknown author (2023-11-14 20:33:27):

Nice cursors

Anonymous go kill yourself

Unknown author (2023-11-21 02:21:27):

I get these cursors are good but wii don't need death threats

Unknown author (2023-11-21 15:22:15):


Unknown author (2023-11-22 08:55:35):

10/10 :-D

Unknown author (2023-11-24 01:37:11):

So cute but I forgot how to use zip files lol :-(

Unknown author (2023-11-24 02:27:12):

To Use Zip File click the extract buttons and when its on extraction menu click extract.

BG5DF (2023-11-25 08:46:58 / 4 stars):

Bye :-(

but those are nice

Unknown author (2023-11-26 07:11:24):

아 ㅆㅂ

KeypadRegister (2023-11-28 20:47:49 / 5 stars):

this is formatted with a second thing

this is the best he also deserves one (i dont even make curors)

paws (2023-11-29 01:04:58 / 3 stars):

nice but the link and move hands look garbage

Unknown author (2024-02-28 02:36:30):


the last ones look bad

xTikans (2024-05-14 21:05:46 / 2.5 stars):

bro fr posted his cursors and left. seriously grow up lmao. :/

ViniciusGamer-blox (2024-05-26 00:52:40):

xTikans You're really open-mouthed, then you say I'm not here, how horrible of you

Unknown author (2024-07-04 18:41:11):

These are just standard Windows cursors with a 1 on them. That's not the "Wii cursor" at all! Also the working, busy, precision and text cursors look nothing like the Wii, the others do, but only slightly since this isnt the original cursor! Also, the move, link, location and person look like they were hand drawn in microsoft paint. You're better off using http://www.rw-designer.com/cursor-set/wii-v64 instead. :-(

ViniciusGamer-blox (2024-07-26 16:47:23):

Anonymous, I tried my best this time, I wasn't a good person at making cursors and mainly, I tried to copy the cursor image from the Wii, and no, I didn't do anything in paint, only in the website program, I just made one because I was lazy and had things to do on YouTube, if you didn't like it, I'm really sorry but I can't do much about it

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