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nibbler (2024-08-05 14:54:28 / 4.5 stars):

I love these! It's a shame that Microsoft never finished the original schemes, so this would fit nicely, especially now that you included Location and Person Select cursors for the scheme.

I will say that Win3d White counter.ani may need work and you're missing the 3D blue and 3D white versions of the handwriting cursor and precision select, but otherwise, great set of supplements! icon-image/24325-16x16x32.png image

RIDDLER (2024-08-05 15:28:26 / 5 stars):

I know, it sucks that Microsoft never finishes their Windows cursors and other accessories such as icons in full. Windows 11, hopefully has all the completed cursor sets.

Unknown author (2024-08-05 19:14:28):

Ah yes, the arrow goes B.R.B. @ the 4.0 frame...
but I was late for bed, so I completely disregarded that xÞ

Oh hey, I can comment in anonimity*! ~
Nice ~ 8-)

Unknown author (2024-08-05 20:13:39):

...ey, where'd my account go...? o.o

does that mean I can no longer edit the set...?
Well...darn it ("._.)

nibbler (2024-08-05 21:32:14):

Are you logging in from a VPN, or something like a internet censorship circumvention website, like HolyUnblocker?

Unknown author (2024-08-06 09:30:36):

Good morniŋ~

Not quite, but I did, use a Protonmail address to make the account.

Other peculiarities :

-Can't visit the profile from this page

(the nickname doesn't operate as hyper-text, as suggested by colour) ;

-Upon a log-in attempt, the message "No user account is associated
with specified email adress" shows ;

-If I recall correctly, a confirmation e-mail was to be sent to the address, but it's not present (looked everywhere, includiŋ&not ltd. to spam) .

Unknown author (2024-08-06 20:38:20):

Aaand I'm back from work.

Any input concerniŋ this
whole situation is most welcome!

Also, fun fact :

the barber pole is a remnant from the medieval era,
when illiteracy was rampant & iconography
a major mean to deal with that, back then
barbers also performed other operations
as you may recall from school.

A transmission I once stumbled upon
suggested the stripes refer to bandages,
white for clean ones, red for
those soaked in the rusty fluid.

Had a feeling the blue was an U.S. thing,
a nod to the three most common national flag colors
(possibly because of an other transmission
whence the host didn't bother going in-depth).
While I did, find a starry pole among search results,
a 1968 book quoted by the Wikipedia arcticle suggests
the Dutch did it first back in the renaissance,
red for operations that drew the fluid,
white for bones & teeth, & the blue for
a less urgent shave… whicever the case,
I now feel poles could use updated variations.

nibbler (2024-08-06 21:30:34):

Join the official RW Designer discord if you'd like help getting your account back. icon-image/24318-16x16x32.png image

Or you can email the owner at vlastimil.miler@gmail.com or info@rw-designer.com.

Unknown author (2024-08-07 07:57:40):

Gratias tibi

Will do as soon as I manage.
Y'know… real world matters…

Unknown author (2024-08-11 14:43:04):

And now, we wait.

Guess it's a good time for me
to learn how to make maximal, 2000s icons.

Funnily enough, I've been seeking such learning material for a while.
I already knew this platform for its cursor repository,
but only recently realized the stuff i sought for was already here,
under my very nose.
I'm such a nincompoop xÞ

Click or tap on the top-left corner
to access the learning material. ~

nibbler (2024-08-13 13:58:05):

If you can't get your account back, can you send a Dropbox link or Google Drive link on my profile page's comments? That would mean a ton for me and I can give credit to you.

Unknown author (2024-08-15 08:12:42):

Currently on mobile data, but
cursors ought be fairly lightweight.
I'll see to get those extras
done when I can (hopefully).

I'll be back ~ ⏳

Unknown author (2024-08-15 20:41:37):

Ok, maybe not today, I'm feeling awful

BiORNADE (2024-08-20 01:08:54 / 5 stars):


CursorCollectionist (2024-08-20 09:58:58):


...I wonder, ought I also make
custom cursors for stuff like :
Vertical Txt-beam, copy, alias, context menu,
cell, grab&grabbing hands, column & row resize,
scroll, zoom in&out...
these can't be changed on Windows via the panel,
but things might be different for
Linux-based distributions&interfaces,
as well as Mac systems... :deepthonk:

nibbler (2024-08-20 21:42:31):

And the ole32 cursors as well! You might want to check out these cursors to see how its done.


CursorCollectionist (2024-08-21 08:46:43):

Ole32.dll... what...
þe heck are those, & what do they do? o.o

This gives me a lil' insight too...
all those cursors I had mentioned earlier...
are those stored within .dll files too?
If that were the case, we could technically
change them via programs such as Resource Hacker
(of course, with all the necessary precautions) ;-)

nibbler (2024-08-21 09:46:40):

Definitely in DLLs. See what you can find! It's not just that one DLL but from other ones in your C:\Windows\* directory. :-)

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