Gratias tibi
Will do as soon as I manage.
Y'know… real world matters…
Back in the day,
I couldn't help but be ever so slightly bothered
by the absence of certain pointers within
the Win3d sets... I thought :
was it too much to take the default help pointer,
& put the pre-existing "3d" arrow over the flat one?
And so, I did thusly... & might've gotten
a tid-bit carried away, but just a tiny little.
ERGO, I present to you the customized
Windows Classic supplement (serie 1bis).
What changed in s1bis :
-Fixed erroneous pixel in "Win3d bronze pen custom 1.cur";
-Fixed frame "Win3d White counter.ani".
Oh, just in case it wasn't obvious enough...
these are Microsoft assets, technically speaking, so...
I don't think I have any say about licensing really.
So, if you so happened to have any commercial purposes in mind
(how'd you even pull that off, I can't possibly fathom),
you'd have to contact whoever made this between 1992 & 1995...
...maybe don't ;Þ
Please pardon the mess.
Might send a few other supplements
to an other user, i dunno.
Thank you, have a good one.
Tags: ■ Cyan ■ Silver □ Multicolored □ White Windows XP Shiny
Gratias tibi
Will do as soon as I manage.
Y'know… real world matters…
And now, we wait.
Guess it's a good time for me
to learn how to make maximal, 2000s icons.
Funnily enough, I've been seeking such learning material for a while.
I already knew this platform for its cursor repository,
but only recently realized the stuff i sought for was already here,
under my very nose.
I'm such a nincompoop xÞ
Click or tap on the top-left corner
to access the learning material. ~
4.5 out of 5 stars.
If you can't get your account back, can you send a Dropbox link or Google Drive link on my profile page's comments? That would mean a ton for me and I can give credit to you.
Currently on mobile data, but
cursors ought be fairly lightweight.
I'll see to get those extras
done when I can (hopefully).
I'll be back ~ ⏳
Ok, maybe not today, I'm feeling awful
5 out of 5 stars.
...I wonder, ought I also make
custom cursors for stuff like :
Vertical Txt-beam, copy, alias, context menu,
cell, grab&grabbing hands, column & row resize,
scroll, zoom in&out...
these can't be changed on Windows via the panel,
but things might be different for
Linux-based distributions&interfaces,
as well as Mac systems... :deepthonk:
4.5 out of 5 stars.
And the ole32 cursors as well! You might want to check out these cursors to see how its done.
Ole32.dll... what...
þe heck are those, & what do they do? o.o
This gives me a lil' insight too...
all those cursors I had mentioned earlier...
are those stored within .dll files too?
If that were the case, we could technically
change them via programs such as Resource Hacker
(of course, with all the necessary precautions)
4.5 out of 5 stars.
Definitely in DLLs. See what you can find! It's not just that one DLL but from other ones in your C:\Windows\* directory.
Find out how Vista icons differ from XP icons.
See how RealWorld Icon Editor handles Vista icons.