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꧁​Ꮯʋꝛ̢ ⳽σ̴ꝛ̢⬩Ꮯⱺ︠͡ ɭȴٟᥱᥴ​ ︠Ꞇῗٟσ̴ᥰٟῗٟst꧂ (2024-10-10 08:43:10):

Lol this is awful :-D
Then again, game devs make
game cursors, not system ones,
so... yep, we get what we get.

Might've just gotten an extra idea
for potential WiB&busy...
plus cursed Hist.Ed. diagonals xÞ

The set is split in half, with
classic cursors & the new ones
from the History Edition,
are the metal, simple, & colour tags acceptable,
given they're unfit for the other half??



If you're reading this,
could you please give
the Army Men RTS set a lower rating?

Oh, & I didn't make it.


...I forgot to take my coffee, silly me...

꧁​Ꮯʋꝛ̢ ⳽σ̴ꝛ̢⬩Ꮯⱺ︠͡ ɭȴٟᥱᥴ​ ︠Ꞇῗٟσ̴ᥰٟῗٟst꧂ (2024-10-10 12:42:40):

There were no timepieces or spinners,
so I re-used the dot from map-maker's
isle-mover cursor, made trios for the ellipsis,
& ended up with Xerox Alto-like working-in-background...

Hm... diagonals are gonna remain an issue, I fear...
Maybe I should just commid SFDP*, rip the buy/sell markers,
& use those for diagonal resize.

*SFPD : Step From Developer Practice.
Refers to material that deviates from
patterns laid by the developers.

꧁​Ꮯʋꝛ̢ ⳽σ̴ꝛ̢⬩Ꮯⱺ︠͡ ɭȴٟᥱᥴ​ ︠Ꞇῗٟσ̴ᥰٟῗٟst꧂ (2024-10-10 13:27:27):

Come on, may I please
have a 2-star rating on this one? :-D

RIDDLER (2024-10-10 15:36:53 / 5 stars):

Very antique. This is awesome.

Unknown author (2024-10-10 18:05:23):

Aw, come on Riddler!
Sure you'd know better than
giving 5 stars to this
hastily ripped&edited slop?
Come on, give me more reasonable ratings!

Oh wait,
afraid I didn't elaborate enough
in the description...
let me log i-actually I'm almost home, later.

Aaand here comes an errand, might as well log in

Unknown author (2024-10-12 00:35:04):


꧁​Ꮯʋꝛ̢ ⳽σ̴ꝛ̢⬩Ꮯⱺ︠͡ ɭȴٟᥱᥴ​ ︠Ꞇῗٟσ̴ᥰٟῗٟst꧂ (2024-10-12 06:11:03):

Nah, not quite, fellow anon xÞ
It's missing the diagonal resize,
a duo of fairly essential pointers mind you ~

꧁​Ꮯʋꝛ̢ ⳽σ̴ꝛ̢⬩Ꮯⱺ︠͡ ɭȴٟᥱᥴ​ ︠Ꞇῗٟσ̴ᥰٟῗٟst꧂ (2024-10-12 22:48:42):

(with a few others...)

...a "'few'" others...
well, guess it's a decent set now!
Then again, I kinda wonder if I ought separate
the History edition pointers from the classic ones...

꧁​Ꮯʋꝛ̢ ⳽σ̴ꝛ̢⬩Ꮯⱺ︠͡ ɭȴٟᥱᥴ​ ︠Ꞇῗٟσ̴ᥰٟῗٟst꧂ (2024-10-13 09:18:07):

...maybe I should separate the plain,
classic pointers from the more pompous
History Edition ones...

꧁​Ꮯʋꝛ̢ ⳽σ̴ꝛ̢⬩Ꮯⱺ︠͡ ɭȴٟᥱᥴ​ ︠Ꞇῗٟσ̴ᥰٟῗٟst꧂ (2024-10-14 22:50:42):

Lol, someone at Ubisoft wrote this :

"•To go alongside that, there is also a new mouse
cursor to replace the classic Windows-esque look "


꧁​Ꮯʋꝛ̢ ⳽σ̴ꝛ̢⬩Ꮯⱺ︠͡ ɭȴٟᥱᥴ​ ︠Ꞇῗٟσ̴ᥰٟῗٟst꧂ (2024-10-17 13:26:58):

Release serie 3
What snew :
-Added alt.txt sel. I-beam ;
-Fixed a pixel in the +precision .

꧁​Ꮯʋꝛ̢ ⳽σ̴ꝛ̢⬩Ꮯⱺ︠͡ ɭȴٟᥱᥴ​ ︠Ꞇῗٟσ̴ᥰٟῗٟst꧂ (2025-01-17 21:32:25):

The diagonals are off, blatantly so,
but I have no clue how to fix 'em ("-3-)

...also, I could make row&column resize,
alt crosshair, maybe a cell select, a custom hand,
an alt.cusrom link/alias, a vertical txt select...

꧁​Ꮯʋꝛ̢ ⳽σ̴ꝛ̢⬩Ꮯⱺ︠͡ ɭȴٟᥱᥴ​ ︠Ꞇῗٟσ̴ᥰٟῗٟst꧂ (2025-01-18 08:31:07):

Thing lacks a disallowed, I noticed...
that one's gonna be a problem, probably...

꧁​Ꮯʋꝛ̢ ⳽σ̴ꝛ̢⬩Ꮯⱺ︠͡ ɭȴٟᥱᥴ​ ︠Ꞇῗٟσ̴ᥰٟῗٟst꧂ (2025-01-19 19:31:36):

I attempted 2 hands, but they look too cursed, so I scrapped 'em.

꧁​Ꮯʋꝛ̢ ⳽σ̴ꝛ̢⬩Ꮯⱺ︠͡ ɭȴٟᥱᥴ​ ︠Ꞇῗٟσ̴ᥰٟῗٟst꧂ (2025-02-18 01:35:23):

Update inbound,
Tuesday 19th Feb.

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