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Dark_Samus (2021-01-20 09:19:27):

Only 3 ??

Bobcat (2021-01-20 11:29:03):

Sorry, but like I said in the description, I did not like the images on the internet, so I had to use only the ones in my System32 folder

Dark_Samus (2021-01-20 11:46:22):

Are you using Resource Hacker.

Bobcat (2021-01-20 13:18:09):

wtf what is that
I only accsessed them with my icon editor

Dark_Samus (2021-01-20 13:38:05):

Just download Resource Hacker from http://www.angusj.com/resourcehacker/ and open C:\Windows\System32\shell32.dll and you will find the hidden treasure.

Bobcat (2021-01-20 15:14:14):

I just opened it with the wizard: import icon from application. And I found it there! icon-image/20087-16x16x32.png image icon-image/20083-16x16x32.png image

Dark_Samus (2021-01-20 15:33:03):

Also open C:\Windows\System32\imageres.dll

RIDDLER (2021-01-22 15:24:21 / 5 stars):

Those three icons are so good, but you could also include many Windows 10 folders with special icons like the Pictures, Music, Videos and Downloads folder.

csid2136 (2021-01-25 18:44:10 / 5 stars):

These three icons look so like the windows folder icons! icon-image/11662-16x16x32.png image

IHATEYOU78631 (2022-02-21 15:50:29 / 5 stars):

I like It Ever though its 3 i still like it 8-)

Unknown author (2022-07-04 16:51:53):

only 3 icons??

Unknown author (2025-03-28 07:36:38):

CAN I PUT MY FOLDER IN HERE? :-) :-) :-) :-)

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