nibbler (2023-04-02 01:00:14 / 4 stars):
It's like you went to the local Kohls and picked and tried out a bunch of suits. I like those color variants. Xudatxa Copacabana (2023-04-03 02:06:58 / 5 stars):
It's true... The old style black suit and blue tie he wore for years he forgot to put on gallery to present. He is well!! The Male Boss (2023-04-03 11:16:14):
The old style black and blue still exists ʎppnᙠ ǝsuǝsuoN (2023-04-06 16:46:04 / 5 stars):
I like all your clothings Xudatxa Copacabana (2023-04-09 09:57:22):
I was ignorant. Yes. I had seen the old style in the external gallery in passed season. I did not remember. This is a personal style and everyone is very presentable. Very good. Goodbye? (2023-04-17 10:19:48 / 5 stars):
this nice and acurately looks like you. CoolCreeps (2023-05-26 20:07:55 / 5 stars):
How does this have 21 downloads (at the time of making this), you are the example of criminally underrated, there like your look-a-likes! Good job, The Male Boss. Five Stars. Henry vntv (2023-07-04 15:00:56 / 5 stars):
awsome astro.mp3 (2023-07-13 10:29:50 / 5 stars):
awesome TenZue (2023-09-20 04:25:34 / 3 stars):
I like how you promoted yourself, still a bit funny tho. The idea is a bit roughly okay, and the hotspots are way off, I could barley see your eye's correctly! The texture is a bit good, and the cursors are OK. from my view the rating won't be so high.. I mean you could've added more color, and different type of symbols and maybe animated a bit. My rating is 3 out of 5 stars! Q: why did you wanna promote yourself? Or atleast make cursor's of yourself? Unknown author (2023-09-23 09:43:39):
Sorry to intrude; you got confused. This set is just icons. There is no cursor here. These are just images as demonstrative photos. If you wish, you can give a new review. superman11 (2024-03-16 19:48:51 / 5 stars):
really nice <3 Curso Megathon (2024-03-22 21:20:01 / 5 stars):
I have countless suits that I wear every night. I hadn't seen such a perfect set of icons. In real life I also have suits like these in different colors; also many different ties; also jackets and vests. Thank you for showing this set of suits different styles in this set. I love suits. |