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Amilio (2023-12-01 00:31:32):

icon-image/26561-16x16x32.png image

BG5DF (2023-12-02 12:56:17 / 1 stars):

No, sorry but no, the set is quite incomplete, some of them has background, the design sucks and there's not a proper description, i can only give you 1 star icon-image/26550-20x20x32.png image

Amilio (2023-12-02 16:35:25):


Unknown author (2023-12-02 18:42:18):

eww kid

BG5DF (2023-12-02 20:13:15):

Imagine raging like a little kid just because of an opinion lmfao

Unknown author (2023-12-05 22:44:04):

Earthytee NO U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

BG5DF (2023-12-06 00:01:13):

Stupidest "No u" shit i have ever seen

Unknown author (2023-12-06 20:20:41):


BG5DF (2023-12-07 12:23:48):

It is called freedom of speech, cope harder XD

macaroni94 (2024-02-04 19:02:40 / 1 stars):

Wow.. You may want to consider a background remover. The set looks very incomplete. You can see the white background on most of these, and these are very pixelated. :-(

astro.mp3 (2024-02-15 11:34:05 / 1 stars):

die amilio

7vintage (2024-06-20 04:41:49 / 5 stars):

yes i was there in the 1960 i can remember it now it was just like this thank you

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