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BG5DF (2024-01-01 13:58:31 / 5 stars):

I like them, because this game is so cool! there's the link for the game:

Fortunately, the direct links to the game installers weren't taken down yet!

To run the full version of the game:
1. Install the game.
2. Run the game.
3. Run task manager, and end process "PlantsVsZombies.exe"
4. Go to C:\ProgramData\PopCap Games\PopCap Games.
5. Make sure you can see hidden files, otherwise, hide the folder, then unhide it.
6. Copy popcapgame1.exe to C:\Program Files\PopCap Games\Plants Vs Zombies.
7. Replace the original exe (The drm) with the direct executable
8: Enjoy!

FLCool (2024-01-01 14:17:58):

Thanks Pepsi icon-image/26642-16x16x32.png image

Random person (2024-04-12 01:09:59 / 5 stars):


xTikans (2024-05-09 16:46:54 / 5 stars):

My childhood right here fr |-) 8-)

Unknown author (2024-08-02 12:35:14):

very good :-)

janiu1402 (2024-09-03 15:03:14 / 5 stars):

icon-image/7284-16x16x32.png image :-) icon-image/7284-16x16x32.png image

Unknown author (2024-11-05 23:17:10):

how do you do it :-(

Unknown author (2025-01-07 18:18:00):

ta bien :-D

Unknown author (2025-01-08 04:17:42):


Unknown author (2025-01-28 20:01:09):

very gooooooooooood 8-)

Unknown author (2025-01-31 19:58:29):

good boy :-D

Unknown author (2025-03-24 20:20:41):


Unknown author (2025-03-27 14:13:59):

never forgetting this

Unknown author (2025-03-27 15:49:06):


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