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Unknown author (2024-08-18 09:39:18):

Nice! :-D

TH311M (2024-08-25 02:24:31):

jamal 8-)

Unknown author (2024-08-28 11:19:33):


r5ne (curs0r) (2024-08-30 11:48:15 / 5 stars):

jamal gupta paul 1 paul 2 paul 3 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) ong this guy slays

Unknown author (2024-09-03 23:17:18):

does not work

Unknown author (2024-09-10 23:20:41):


LegionEagles22 (2024-10-03 21:56:00 / 5 stars):

Why did you make three identical ones? can't you use the same icon multiple times for different things? Anyways, five stars because J A M A L

Unknown author (2024-10-10 14:59:40):




Unknown author (2024-10-11 03:45:46):


Unknown author (2024-10-23 01:31:17):



Unknown author (2024-11-16 12:57:31):

sehr gut danke!

Unknown author (2024-11-16 16:42:48):

this is the best curser ever thank you

i m ρ є я i u м ツ (2024-11-21 01:23:23 / 5 stars):

I didn't understand hahaha but I thought it was cool JAMALLL |-)

Unknown author (2024-11-22 21:47:43):

does not work it doesnt save and it doesnt let me see it on my mouse

Unknown author (2025-01-06 13:59:21):

thats because these are ICO (program icon) images, not ANI or CUR (pointer icons)

Mr. X (2025-01-14 15:07:46 / 4.5 stars):

lol, why do he look like that

✟ wecks ✟ (2025-01-22 04:44:24):
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Thank you for visiting youtube.com
This ASCII pic can be found at youtube.com

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Unknown author (2025-01-28 17:44:09):

jamal gooooptaaaa brah

freaky alien mf

Unknown author (2025-01-29 20:27:36):

hi i hope this can be better

Unknown author (2025-02-20 17:10:19):

STOP! Don't talk to meeeeee, Loser Loser Wannabe like oh. Totally!!

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