✟ wecks ✟'s profile

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✟ wecks ✟'s profile

View ✟ wecks ✟'s timeline, last visit on March 24th 2025

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✟ wecks ✟'s picture

god the father, jesus the son, and the holy spirit as the guy who sayith unto thy mind and soul. amen ✟

name: tenya weckin
nicknames: weckler
occupation: registered nurse, visual artist
age: 22
birthday: nunya business
pronouns: she/her (catholic)
home town: louisiana
current country: amsterdam
religion: post-catholic
political beliefs: flaming skulls and shredding guitars \m/
favorite band: either uglystick or brokencyde
favorite genres: 2010s chillwave, gothic metal, electroclash, nintendocore, power pop, thrash metal, grindcore, hard vapour, orignal dubstep (like cbat), sludge, osdm, and 2000s mallcore,and groove metal
listening to rn: uglystick - hate to say
age i smoked my first cigarette: 10
age i drank my first beer: 13
hobbies: browsing youtube, all things motorcycles, learning about 3d art, kaleidoscopes, leather boots, playing piano, shredding not grinding, and following my religion ✟
thanks for checking out my blog!


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user icon Anonymous on February 12th

hi im not catholic but i think your kinda cool and stuff. i am a lesbian tho i see girls and thingk mereowwww hellloooo hot stuff but if ur ok with that illl be cool with u too just let me know also my favourite naiimal is probably elephant or jordan petrso

do u wnna be frend

8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)
user icon ✟ wecks ✟ registered user on February 12th

hi. so im not a lesbian idk why ppl get that impression, its proabbly just because im into metal wich is a steryotypically guy thing or whatever but im a cool chick like im just not really into all the drama u know? buts its ok ur not catholic and im not a lesbian, we can have our differences and still be friends :-)

user icon Mr. X registered user on February 21st

Mb, its roulette with the spray paint

user icon ✟ wecks ✟ registered user on February 23rd

oh ok wel thank u i wasnt trying to direct anny angr towards u i just was upset abt the sitch as a whole :-D

but i appricate the inital help wiht it very much

user icon RIDDLER registered user on February 27th

No cursors here. No icons either. Make some.

user icon ✟ wecks ✟ registered user on March 2nd

i try but all my desgines look horrible 4 years of art school down the drain :-(

user icon Anonymous on March 2nd

lmfao :skull:

user icon ✟ wecks ✟ registered user on March 4th

the only skull i know is already in my bio |-)

user icon Anonymous on March 5th

the only skull i know is the one that im gonna crack, and it seems to be YOUR LUCKY DAY

barbeque bootyhole alert

user icon ✟ wecks ✟ registered user on March 5th

the only crack we're gonna see is in ur little pipe cos u gotta be tweaking to say some shit like that

user icon Anonymous
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