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TenZue (2025-01-22 04:39:18):


✟ wecks ✟ (2025-01-22 09:31:40):

well hmm, what do we have here,TenZue is it? hm sounds like someone doesnt like my blog. thats ok, i turn the other cheek, and i walk away. bye bye TenZue, pal!

people can say what they want about my profile. but just wait till the cursors drop, thats when the real cool shit will |-) |-) |-) happen. u will see what 4 years of art school can do.

TenZue (2025-01-24 00:02:50):

ermmmm wth

Unknown author (2025-01-24 00:09:28):

why tf were u smoking and drinking at such young ass ages gurl. was ur dad an alcohalic or some shit?

✟ wecks ✟ (2025-01-24 07:59:20):


Unknown author (2025-01-24 10:21:00):


you are to ugl ;-) ;-) ;- ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-)

✟ wecks ✟ (2025-01-24 10:34:15):

those words u say have meaning.
ill guilde you to listen to cleansing vibrations to stop these wicked thoughts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nCSiMxJPLDQ&t=21526s

Unknown author (2025-01-24 23:41:29):

you have a devil thing in your bio?

✟ wecks ✟ (2025-01-25 10:06:35):

its not a devil thing its just bc i like metal dumbass

TenZue (2025-01-26 02:58:33):


: https://tubasim.wixsite.com/zune
Unknown author (2025-01-26 03:52:40):

nah im good, u tryna scam my vbucks bruh

TenZue (2025-01-26 05:48:15):

no wth?

✟ wecks ✟ (2025-01-26 07:37:47):

u are not straight and homophobic u are gay and gay

TenZue (2025-01-26 16:17:30):


✟ wecks ✟ (2025-01-27 01:47:16):

big words for a closet homo

Unknown author (2025-01-27 04:06:45):

Let's scissor wecks

I'll get my pussy wet just for u baba gurl and u can finger me all the hell you want ;-)

Corben (2025-01-28 22:56:17):

praying for u |-)
and what is anonymouse saying hell no

Corben (2025-01-29 12:47:32):

no way bro smoke at 10 and drinked beer at 13 dats crazy

✟ wecks ✟ (2025-01-31 13:48:41):

metal lifestyle \m/

Corben (2025-01-31 14:35:45):


Unknown author (2025-01-31 17:31:38):

that iz not a flecks that is a shame

✟ wecks ✟ (2025-02-01 02:34:50):

if u werent drinking and smoking in the early 2010s u werent doing shit

✟ wecks ✟ (2025-02-12 06:01:35):

hi anonymous

someone gave me a bag to spend on spray paint but when i went to go buy it it gave me grey?? now my shit grey not purple this sucks

oh oops that was meant for my blog

TenZue (2025-02-12 06:01:58):

Just buy another spray paint

✟ wecks ✟ (2025-02-12 06:53:28):

im out of the website money

Unknown author (2025-02-12 07:02:26):

hi im not catholic but i think your kinda cool and stuff. i am a lesbian tho i see girls and thingk mereowwww hellloooo hot stuff but if ur ok with that illl be cool with u too just let me know also my favourite naiimal is probably elephant or jordan petrso

do u wnna be frend

8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)
✟ wecks ✟ (2025-02-12 10:00:56):

hi. so im not a lesbian idk why ppl get that impression, its proabbly just because im into metal wich is a steryotypically guy thing or whatever but im a cool chick like im just not really into all the drama u know? buts its ok ur not catholic and im not a lesbian, we can have our differences and still be friends :-)

Mr. X (2025-02-21 15:22:32):

Mb, its roulette with the spray paint

✟ wecks ✟ (2025-02-23 08:06:55):

oh ok wel thank u i wasnt trying to direct anny angr towards u i just was upset abt the sitch as a whole :-D

but i appricate the inital help wiht it very much

RIDDLER (2025-02-27 19:07:27):

No cursors here. No icons either. Make some.

✟ wecks ✟ (2025-03-02 15:00:22):

i try but all my desgines look horrible 4 years of art school down the drain :-(

Unknown author (2025-03-02 21:52:07):

lmfao :skull:

✟ wecks ✟ (2025-03-04 07:44:25):

the only skull i know is already in my bio |-)

Unknown author (2025-03-05 02:38:38):

the only skull i know is the one that im gonna crack, and it seems to be YOUR LUCKY DAY

barbeque bootyhole alert

✟ wecks ✟ (2025-03-05 02:58:34):

the only crack we're gonna see is in ur little pipe cos u gotta be tweaking to say some shit like that

Unknown author (2025-03-26 04:13:44):

bich u r on crack to be liking devil skulls the fuh

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