TenZue (2025-01-22 04:39:18):
wtf ✟ wecks ✟ (2025-01-22 09:31:40):
well hmm, what do we have here,TenZue is it? hm sounds like someone doesnt like my blog. thats ok, i turn the other cheek, and i walk away. bye bye TenZue, pal! people can say what they want about my profile. but just wait till the cursors drop, thats when the real cool shit will TenZue (2025-01-24 00:02:50):
ermmmm wth Unknown author (2025-01-24 00:09:28):
why tf were u smoking and drinking at such young ass ages gurl. was ur dad an alcohalic or some shit? ✟ wecks ✟ (2025-01-24 07:59:20):
yeag Unknown author (2025-01-24 10:21:00):
sex? you are to ugl ✟ wecks ✟ (2025-01-24 10:34:15):
those words u say have meaning. Unknown author (2025-01-24 23:41:29):
you have a devil thing in your bio? ✟ wecks ✟ (2025-01-25 10:06:35):
its not a devil thing its just bc i like metal dumbass TenZue (2025-01-26 02:58:33):
JOIN MY SITE: https://tubasim.wixsite.com/zuneUnknown author (2025-01-26 03:52:40):
nah im good, u tryna scam my vbucks bruh TenZue (2025-01-26 05:48:15):
no wth? ✟ wecks ✟ (2025-01-26 07:37:47):
u are not straight and homophobic u are gay and gay TenZue (2025-01-26 16:17:30):
no ✟ wecks ✟ (2025-01-27 01:47:16):
big words for a closet homo Unknown author (2025-01-27 04:06:45):
Let's scissor wecks I'll get my pussy wet just for u baba gurl and u can finger me all the hell you want Corben (2025-01-28 22:56:17):
praying for u Corben (2025-01-29 12:47:32):
no way bro smoke at 10 and drinked beer at 13 dats crazy ✟ wecks ✟ (2025-01-31 13:48:41):
metal lifestyle \m/ Corben (2025-01-31 14:35:45):
what?? Unknown author (2025-01-31 17:31:38):
that iz not a flecks that is a shame ✟ wecks ✟ (2025-02-01 02:34:50):
if u werent drinking and smoking in the early 2010s u werent doing shit ✟ wecks ✟ (2025-02-12 06:01:35):
hi anonymous someone gave me a bag to spend on spray paint but when i went to go buy it it gave me grey?? now my shit grey not purple this sucks oh oops that was meant for my blog TenZue (2025-02-12 06:01:58):
Just buy another spray paint ✟ wecks ✟ (2025-02-12 06:53:28):
im out of the website money Unknown author (2025-02-12 07:02:26):
hi im not catholic but i think your kinda cool and stuff. i am a lesbian tho i see girls and thingk mereowwww hellloooo hot stuff but if ur ok with that illl be cool with u too just let me know also my favourite naiimal is probably elephant or jordan petrso do u wnna be frend
✟ wecks ✟ (2025-02-12 10:00:56):
hi. so im not a lesbian idk why ppl get that impression, its proabbly just because im into metal wich is a steryotypically guy thing or whatever but im a cool chick like im just not really into all the drama u know? buts its ok ur not catholic and im not a lesbian, we can have our differences and still be friends Mr. X (2025-02-21 15:22:32):
Mb, its roulette with the spray paint ✟ wecks ✟ (2025-02-23 08:06:55):
oh ok wel thank u i wasnt trying to direct anny angr towards u i just was upset abt the sitch as a whole but i appricate the inital help wiht it very much RIDDLER (2025-02-27 19:07:27):
No cursors here. No icons either. Make some. ✟ wecks ✟ (2025-03-02 15:00:22):
i try but all my desgines look horrible 4 years of art school down the drain Unknown author (2025-03-02 21:52:07):
lmfao :skull: ✟ wecks ✟ (2025-03-04 07:44:25):
the only skull i know is already in my bio Unknown author (2025-03-05 02:38:38):
the only skull i know is the one that im gonna crack, and it seems to be YOUR LUCKY DAY barbeque bootyhole alert ✟ wecks ✟ (2025-03-05 02:58:34):
the only crack we're gonna see is in ur little pipe cos u gotta be tweaking to say some shit like that Unknown author (2025-03-26 04:13:44):
bich u r on crack to be liking devil skulls the fuh |