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Unknown author (2012-02-21 18:08:38):

pedobear !!! hello kids

sosnh (2012-03-01 04:01:58 / 4.5 stars):

OMG! I love MEMES. My favourite at the moment is Nyan Cat, but I enjoy ones like Chuck Testa, Forever Alone, Ima Firin Mah Lazer, Chuck Norris, Pedo Bear and more. I would have LOVED it if you included more cursors (like ones I mentioned above). I was stoked by the quality of them as well. Good Job. I say Keep Em' Coming 8-) |-)

NEOC (2012-03-16 22:25:45 / 3.5 stars):

Oh no… there are so little icons in such wide theme…

You can see this picture: http://acceso-directo.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/Periodic-table-of-Memes.png

Will be helpful, although I don't think it had the best choosing criterium (that's because I'm making my own periodical table of memes)

Try adding more icons.

Matias0211 (2012-03-17 02:56:32 / 3.5 stars):


SoaringEagle789 (2012-03-27 03:35:51 / 5 stars):

i love the badger song and shoop da whoop! thanx for sharing this! :-D

Scott (2012-03-30 05:25:30 / 4 stars):

This is a great idea for a cursor set! You should make more cursor sets with memes such as Futurama Fry, or Lame Pun Coon, etc. Very nice job.

Unknown author (2012-04-06 23:37:13):

Lol Ima Firin' Mah Lazer <3 Try Epic Smiley, Futurama Fry, , CONDENSENDING Wonka , & Annoying Facebook Girl. Possibly Advice Peeta xD

Unknown author (2012-04-18 01:34:12):

heres an idea: add the angry german kid :-D

Unknown author (2012-04-23 03:52:43):

epicness to the max :-D

the chuck norris one won't work.. oh of course it doesn't ;-)

DarkOmega300 (2012-07-06 18:34:18):

The Simpsons?

Unknown author (2012-10-21 02:13:33):

y los de los simpons?

Unknown author (2012-10-23 03:16:24):

LOve it! :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D

Dragon_Slayer (2012-11-15 01:41:25 / 5 stars):

Mad 8-) :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D !!!!

oriolego (2012-11-29 01:30:12 / 5 stars):


Unknown author (2012-12-17 03:53:07):

I wish they were animated then it would be awesome! :-)

Unknown author (2012-12-29 23:02:49):

Do the Epic Face it looks kinda like this :-D

cdl (2013-04-16 14:33:26 / 4 stars):

Different collection of imagery.
Not being a guy nor a fan I doubt I want to put Chuck on my desktop but I am sure it does appeal to the fans.

The hamster I like. I can deal with the hamster! lol
Cool guy set!

icon-image/8401-32x32x32.png image

[*CsK*]trollzor (2013-05-30 16:14:40):

imma firin mah lazor lol
ilike it

pedo bear haha i like the trollface :-D

Unknown author (2013-07-25 20:47:40):

Troll Face! :-D

Unknown author (2013-08-07 09:52:15):

good, but please make a little less detailed, i can't be botherd to waste 26 kb for nyan cat... :-D awww who am i kiddin' 1000kb= 1mb so it not matter :-)

thekittyperson (2013-10-17 01:04:16 / 5 stars):

icon-image/7105-16x16x32.png image

cdl (2013-11-26 14:53:04):

I'm curious as to why this image RW2010beta8/mature-12.png image appears in the small sidebar image of your set. Your set does not appear to have mature content as the name of the image would imply. Do you know what the symbol signifies?

Virum64 (2013-11-26 23:03:50):

I don't understand either. I guess some people can be offended by Pedobear...

Grox (2013-12-10 21:35:38):

wErY cooooooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooool :-D

Unknown author (2014-08-25 16:46:47):

lol lol lol

Unknown author (2014-11-07 15:13:17):

keep the good work up lads

ETHANWEEGEE (2015-09-06 23:56:14 / 5 stars):


icon-image/6641-16x16x32.png image

Unknown author (2015-09-17 20:01:51):


TobiasM (2016-11-06 21:59:40):

This is art ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-)

Unknown author (2017-01-26 19:14:41):


Unknown author (2017-02-02 13:05:03):

cheeky chuck norris

TyranicalRex (2017-09-18 22:29:16 / 1.5 stars):

you should make them yourself, not from images.
(I like the chuck Norris)

Unknown author (2018-10-31 17:13:23):


Unknown author (2019-04-07 16:43:54):

dank troll XD

Unknown author (2019-04-07 22:28:33):

r/bruhmoment members ;-) :-D :-( ;-) 8-) 8-) :-D |-) :-) |-)

Unknown author (2019-04-07 23:23:54):

Bruh sound effect #2

Unknown author (2019-04-16 11:05:55):

When autistic kid poops on school shooter #edgy xd

xXLucas cursorsXx (2021-10-06 18:58:52 / 3 stars):

Acho que é muito 'randomizado' deveria ser melhor por isso 3 estrelas melhore o pacote e irá ganhar 5

This account got hacked (2022-01-10 09:29:42):


GodRage (2023-01-14 21:47:06 / 5 stars):

Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger Badger Mushroom mushroom ~
icon-image/6643-16x16x32.png image icon-image/6643-16x16x32.png image icon-image/6643-16x16x32.png image icon-image/6643-16x16x32.png image icon-image/6643-16x16x32.png image icon-image/6643-16x16x32.png image icon-image/6643-16x16x32.png image icon-image/6643-16x16x32.png image icon-image/6643-16x16x32.png image icon-image/6643-16x16x32.png image
Thank you for this icons!

Xudatxa (2023-08-10 02:42:55 / 3 stars):

É uma mistura de coisas que eu mesmo fico confundido. Porém pode ser legal para quem curte isso. A variedade de pixels inclusos nos ícones é bom. 8-)

Unknown author (2024-02-06 16:16:15):


Unknown author (2024-11-26 19:36:00):

dude what

Unknown author (2025-03-07 02:05:37):

ts so tuff:

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