Ludwig (2014-01-06 15:57:04):
Hello! You can write here me if there is another skype emoticon that I should absolutely necessarily add. I hope that you like it! You can click on an emoticon and add it to the quick-code bar, next to the smileys that appear when reviewing a set! Much fun! LOL (2014-01-06 16:16:27 / 5 stars):
Very nice! I like these. Thanks! It works! Ludwig (2014-01-06 16:46:47):
Unknown author (2014-01-09 18:28:04):
I´d really like the teddy (hug) cdl (2014-01-17 10:26:11 / 5 stars):
Great icons! Quite a bit of variety! Ludwig (2014-01-19 20:40:44):
Metal4theWin (2014-01-19 21:02:59 / 5 stars):
Very nice icons! I use them all in my quick launch bar! Ludwig (2014-02-09 20:17:00):
I've split it into two icon sets because it became very many. See the other set here. PS: Don't be afraid to review my set! I don't bite! Unknown author (2014-04-14 16:01:12):
lame Unknown author (2014-04-18 20:41:21):
Unknown author (2014-04-29 16:42:57):
(devil) Unknown author (2014-10-05 18:20:11):
hunter17p (2014-10-16 20:53:12 / 5 stars):
nice Unknown author (2015-02-07 03:53:33):
"I like this set. I like everything from this set, even myself." -bandit smiley Unknown author (2015-03-01 04:06:30):
great fuckin set. anyone can copy & paste a picture of emoticons. Unknown author (2015-04-29 17:19:03):
wow sooooo cool ^^ *Q* The Male Boss (2015-06-12 20:59:38 / 4 stars):
i woudn't use these but these are ok. amaleerocks13 (2015-07-04 07:23:58 / 2.5 stars):
cdl (2015-08-04 03:14:55):
I like the set, good work. I would appreciate the 64x64 and 128x128 sizes, yours only go to 48x48. AlphaOmega (2015-10-27 19:58:11 / 4.5 stars):
Nice! I won't be surprised if these are used often. ETHANWEEGEE (2015-11-28 18:11:16):
AJaxx (2016-03-21 04:23:04 / 5 stars):
These are really good. I'm a fan of smiley faces. Good job! Unknown author (2018-04-20 09:08:28):
awesome stuff in this website just found out about it today and am shocked at how cool this is KittyKata12 (2019-04-07 01:48:47 / 3.5 stars):
KittyKata12 (2019-04-07 03:31:36):
These emojis made me make my own emojis! I will make more tomorrow! winblows (2019-04-13 00:46:57 / 5 stars):
Great job! Looks EXACTLY like a Skype emote, same style, etc. Insane Games (2021-01-04 22:15:52 / 5 stars):
What do you use icons for?? Unknown author (2021-01-29 12:51:10):
These are emojis form microsoft teams |