cdl (2014-07-15 09:31:09):
If I don't say so myself, and I do, they came out quite cute -- as was the intent! Created with PaintShop Pro, filters and IcoFx they were a snap to bring to life. I have long wanted to share them with the world but they were so young and a bit shy so I waited and now you see them in all their glory! As you may have noticed a few seem related, that they are indeed! In their creation I found that I was blessed with twins and triplets! I hope you have fun with your favorites and they brighten your pc world a bit as they have mine! Unknown author (2014-07-15 23:54:33):
I will leave you a comment letting everyone know that these little furries are SO CUTE I LOVE THEM SO FLUFFY Unknown author (2014-10-02 23:21:38):
aww so cute I luv bebot Unknown author (2014-10-10 04:34:09):
nice, i like thats icon . . hope will make like this later . . . ^_^ Imagine (2014-10-22 19:39:52 / 5 stars):
file:///C:/Users/MisterD/Downloads/keep-calm-and-support-green-pig.png d23h (2014-11-02 00:16:49 / 5 stars):
I left an anonymous thanks earlier. BUT, having since downloaded so many of your excellent sets I created an account to thank you personally. I make my own icons at times, but spend more time looking for good ones elsewhere to liven up my computer, and find things faster. So I very much appreciate your gifted artwork, and look forward to clicking on it daily. cdl (2014-11-10 10:00:44):
Unknown author (2015-01-08 16:23:34):
crazy Unknown author (2016-03-11 20:30:16):
Hahahaha Unknown author (2016-05-22 00:34:37):
These are original? I don't think so. Using a filter is the same as using a template. You plagiarized or cheated, as you prefer. cdl (2016-05-22 06:37:33):
Thank you for your input. Unknown author (2016-12-04 06:52:25):
wow it so fun! Unknown author (2020-03-05 21:12:23):
so cute!!! Melissa517 (2020-08-06 07:49:19 / 5 stars):
These are so adorable! Unknown author (2021-03-06 19:27:48):
^w^ Unknown author (2021-05-31 13:57:04):
they ae not furries they are furbys Deepsea fish (2021-11-09 16:10:43 / 4 stars):
Awesome but, you can create a cursor pack. 1 star less for no cursor pack. But, I love it so cute!. Unknown author (2022-10-19 16:21:57):
it is very nice! Unknown author (2024-05-13 03:52:43):
Unknown author (2025-01-19 14:35:57):