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Rabandamus (2011-01-04 23:17:35):

How I may translate downloaded scrap.
Popup says me, "Download successed"
There are most invalid strings. And
upload is unavable because popup says:
"Your Translating Table Updated"
It happens, when I use my own 0425 po
stringlist. There all strings OK.
But Online version is totaly scrap.
My 0425 po is nearly 85 % translated.
Excluded plugin names.

Vlasta (2011-01-04 23:27:32):

Have you translated the .po file in the application or in a text editor? If you used a text editor, the application is unaware of the changes and does not send the updates to the server. You would need to manually add #! to the changed strings and then they will be uploaded.

The changed records in the .po file should look like:

msgid "English string"
msgstr "Translated string"
pizza2000 (2013-03-05 05:35:16):

why when i open recent and click the mouse that i made it says "the application failed to execute the requested action for unspecified reason. Please verify that all external blahblahblah" please help me? thanks :-)

Vlasta (2013-03-05 08:51:07):

Possibly because you have deleted or moved the clicked file? BTW this particular page is not the right place to ask this kind of question.

Unknown author (2014-10-25 01:25:33):

Is there someway I can change which type of color picker window comes up in the RealWorld Cursor Editor program? I'm using the program on a Windows 8 laptop. I know I can do it on my XP, but I can't seem to find it here.

Thanks for any help!

Also, the colors I choose don't always show up right, on the image preview. For example, when I chose a orange-ish pink, the preview was showing a royal blue. =(

Thanks again fro any help!

Vlasta (2014-10-25 08:58:07):

Perhaps you are using the older version of the cursor editor on your other computer. In the new version, the ability to customize the bigger color picker was hidden, because it was too complicated. The smaller color picker is not a bit better though. How exactly would like to modify them?

If you see blue instead of orange on the preview, you have probably set the opacity (the bar beside the color wheel) to 0. For cursors, this in some situations means "invert" what is below the cursor, but it only works for low color depths.

Unknown author (2015-12-18 23:12:13):

the frame sidebar won't close. I want to close it so I can edit the image, because I accidentally dragged it up all the way. :-(

Vlasta (2015-12-19 00:04:21):

drag it back or reset configuration

Unknown author (2018-06-29 09:50:36):

Changing the default gamma correction doesn't work for me. All the colors stay the same no matter what the default gamma correction is. I need it at 1

Vlasta (2018-06-29 10:02:32):

The gamma setting was used in earlier versions. More and more of the tools and effects in the latest version use gamma of 2.2.

Unknown author (2023-05-25 10:54:08):

I don't understand why the animated gif get a lot of weight when saved with Real World Paint... I don't know make them lighter

Unknown author (2024-08-30 20:17:27):

I accidentally moved the frame window outside the window, what to do? I am Russian

RIDDLER (2025-01-01 08:02:53):

Is there a way to compress animated cursor files to higher than Always. I got a cursor with 100 frames for 32x32, 48x48 and 64x64, and I cannot compress it below 1MB. Please update RealWorld Cursor Editor to compress cursor files even more.

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