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Unknown author (2012-01-28 06:25:42):

i wish you didnt havta download

Unknown author (2013-07-19 00:01:52):

help here is the eraser!! :-(
ayuda donde esta la goma!! :-(

Unknown author (2013-07-22 00:23:55):

help me! i need earaser so i dont need to do mouse again and again! :-(

Unknown author (2013-08-11 13:10:59):

where is the erase? fuah |-)

Unknown author (2013-11-13 06:18:43):

Its the pencil eraser. Left of the pencil.

baronjeffrey (2013-12-31 20:25:56):

Looking for more templates, i.e. pointing finger, arrow & hour glass, etc. Otherwise, an excellent customizing tool.

Unknown author (2014-01-15 03:39:02):

:-D love this programme

Unknown author (2014-03-31 22:27:45):

how do you finish and use

im confuzed

ihavetomuchbass (2014-09-11 19:12:20):

how do you make it your cursor

Unknown author (2014-11-24 18:25:34):

how do you make it into a cursor

how do you let the cursor that when its out of it

Unknown author (2014-12-26 20:47:39):

How Do I Make my design my cursor? :-D

Please respond to me as soon as possible... I need urgent help with this situation. ( By the way, my question is above ) :-)

Vlasta (2014-12-26 21:03:48):

using cursors

Unknown author (2015-02-01 10:56:19):

how to change the drawn cursor

Unknown author (2015-05-09 19:53:34):

cant wait to get yellow cursor

Unknown author (2015-05-26 10:17:40):

там рисовать надо?

Unknown author (2015-06-08 19:31:37):

how do you rotate on the long diagonal drawing one?

Unknown author (2015-09-26 22:34:40):

how do you do the circle

Unknown author (2015-10-06 03:39:14):

how do you flip the line around????????????? :-o

Stoivie (2015-12-22 20:43:50):

Does anyone know whether or not if you can create simple designs and save them as a pencil "mode" or something? ;-)

Unknown author (2016-02-28 13:41:22):

it says a pixel but is like 4 squares >:(

Vlasta (2016-02-28 20:40:39):

change it in the configuration panel on the right side

Unknown author (2016-03-16 14:47:08):

omg it actually worked thx so much :-o

i just cant belive it

Unknown author (2016-04-13 17:43:15):

How to change the cursor to draw?

Unknown author (2016-06-09 01:56:38):

I know this is an extremely stupid question but how do you delete what you have drawn?

Unknown author (2016-06-13 17:57:07):

I'm new so, how do u submit\enter\download your custom cursor you made? ;-)

Unknown author (2016-08-26 01:27:34):

I would like to know how I can create an inverted set of cursors, like the one I can select from Microsoft.

Unknown author (2016-10-05 18:00:28):

how do I use it

Unknown author (2016-10-07 21:25:50):

how do u change to the eraser

Unknown author (2016-10-11 01:03:23):

You erase by on the white-looking pencil (in the middle of to Brush and Text tool.) 8-)

Unknown author (2016-12-15 06:27:16):

inverted cursor "color" is white with alpha 0 (depending on RWCE settings, it will show up slightly in the editing space)

Changing cursors - youtube it


Question - can i modify the pixel size of the pencil to 2?

Vlasta (2016-12-15 09:55:24):

No, you that would not fit the pixel grid, use Brush instead.

Unknown author (2017-03-10 14:25:13):

i dont save this red mouse :-(

Unknown author (2017-08-16 18:50:20):

ive made the design now how do i make it my mouse :-)

Unknown author (2017-08-27 14:35:11):

I have already created my mouse now how to download it :-)

Unknown author (2018-02-13 09:40:12):

you can download a app called daanav cursor changer and when you go on it you just select the file that you have saved your cursor to and then press the button and it should set as your cursor

Unknown author (2018-03-25 19:53:53):

how do i downloud it

Unknown author (2018-06-06 20:59:38):

how do I use it as my mouse

Unknown author (2018-08-12 18:51:12):

I HATE pixels how do I make it so it doesn't make pixels when I draw with the pencil? :-(

cookiecursors (2019-03-23 11:55:28):

just dont use this editor 8-)

Unknown author (2019-09-26 22:35:58):

to use as mouse click save (and it will pop up with save as window) then name it what you want to name it and then go to windows settings (if you have a windows) and click personalise > themes > mouse cursor then you can change mouse :-D

(click browse to pop up a select window and double click the cursor to change it)

Unknown author (2019-11-13 01:27:44):

how do you erase your mouse? :-o

Unknown author (2020-05-22 00:45:01):

How do I make an animation that causes the cursor to change color automatically when I click?

Unknown author (2020-06-18 23:04:06):

j'arrive pas :-(

Unknown author (2020-09-12 15:48:42):

how do you cancel?

Unknown author (2020-09-25 18:35:06):

how to use as a arrow?

Unknown author (2020-09-26 05:42:59):

how do you make your pencil larger

Unknown author (2020-10-01 06:05:45):

how to give a border around the mouse pointer

Unknown author (2020-10-07 18:56:10):


Unknown author (2020-11-02 23:26:10):

how do you erase

Unknown author (2020-11-16 16:23:02):

how to undo ?

Unknown author (2020-12-08 15:30:50):

How to erase?!?!?!?!?

to undo is ctrl z

Unknown author (2020-12-16 02:37:26):

how do you move the cursor?

Unknown author (2021-01-21 05:26:00):

hot to eerase

Unknown author (2021-01-25 01:45:26):
-) bruh

its easy

Unknown author (2021-01-29 10:00:10):

It is too big even at smallest size

Unknown author (2021-02-13 12:34:21):

:-DКласс мне 8 лет

Unknown author (2021-02-26 17:14:04):

can you make a perfect circle or rectangle?

Unknown author (2021-03-08 17:44:45):


Unknown author (2021-03-11 08:27:55):

how do you erase

Unknown author (2021-03-12 02:43:44):

How to animate?

Unknown author (2021-03-25 15:46:13):

how do you complete your coursour



Unknown author (2021-03-29 05:21:37):

How to erase

Unknown author (2021-04-13 15:37:51):


Unknown author (2021-05-13 05:32:55):

вы лохи

Unknown author (2021-05-22 14:01:35):

comment enregistrer et transformer en vrai curseur :-)

Unknown author (2021-05-28 00:02:38):


Unknown author (2021-06-15 01:22:58):

dis suckz lmao

Unknown author (2021-06-25 08:06:57):

Anonymous On May 13th САМ ЛОХ!!!

Unknown author (2021-06-27 21:19:55):

You can only delete with the undo buttons. They are located at the top left of your screen.

Unknown author (2021-07-29 15:03:38):

how to erase

Unknown author (2021-11-04 10:10:52):

you can erase by setting the alpha to zero and draw on the pixel you want to erase

✧ • Skyler • ✧ (2021-11-08 22:52:48):


This account got hacked (2021-12-24 09:47:34):


Unknown author (2022-04-01 19:12:54):

come si fa a dargli invio???

Unknown author (2023-12-17 17:28:14):

ciao, ma una volta che lo ho creato, come faccio a usarlo??

pls rispondetr

Unknown author (2024-02-04 12:39:34):

diz nuts

i make a cursor

its simple, i like it :-)

Maybe I'll make it available for download, I think

Unknown author (2024-10-24 04:03:55):


Unknown author (2024-10-29 22:16:40):

selamünaleyküm ben ali kayıtlı değilim amaa neyse ben bu fare imleci yapcam nasıl olcak ya aq

riceball (2025-02-23 13:21:37):

idk what to talk about a pencil

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