Unknown author (2005-11-04 00:00:00):
tank you!!!! Unknown author (2005-11-23 00:00:00):
Thank you very much. Great application. I enjoy it!!! mo (2005-12-11 00:00:00):
i think you should add png option. Unknown author (2006-01-23 00:00:00):
Thanks for a usefull program. Unknown author (2006-02-03 00:00:00):
Cool. Thank you! Unknown author (2006-02-09 00:00:00):
Thank you for this great tool! Unknown author (2006-02-28 00:00:00):
Thanks so much - this really helped me! Unknown author (2006-03-14 00:00:00):
very easy to use and, best of all, free!!! Unknown author (2006-03-23 00:00:00):
Oh ! Very good ! Thank you ! Unknown author (2006-04-16 00:00:00):
TurkishMaster -> Çok Güzel Bir Program, Sadece EXE Dosyasını Programın Üzerine Taşıyıp Bırakın Yeter... Unknown author (2006-05-24 00:00:00):
Great application! Will it support dll files, too, in the future? Vlasta (2006-05-24 00:00:00):
All 32-bit executables are supported, the extension does not matter. Legacy 16-bit files are not supported and there are currently no plans to extend the tool. Maybe your dll is one of these old files. Unknown author (2006-05-25 00:00:00):
Extremely useful app, thx a lot! Conor (2006-06-12 00:00:00):
Hey, like this.. anyway to specify whcih icon to pull out of a file? Vlasta (2006-06-13 00:00:00):
Well, its batch icon extractor after all. You can easily extract single icon for example with Visual Studio or with RealWorld Icon Editor Unknown author (2006-06-13 00:00:00):
a very handy tool. lovely. Unknown author (2006-06-16 00:00:00):
I have tried four different free icon extractors, and this is the only one that works as advertised for me. Unknown author (2006-06-18 00:00:00):
this is so cool!!! i finally have all of my icons ready!! Unknown author (2006-06-22 00:00:00):
It is excellent Unknown author (2006-06-25 00:00:00):
Awesome, been looking for something like this for a long time. Unknown author (2006-07-18 00:00:00):
it says find latest version of batch.... didnt work... Vlasta (2006-07-19 00:00:00):
It says that after it processes all specified files. Please re-read the usage instructions on this page. If the problem persists and you want to solve it, please tell me more than 'didnt work'. Unknown author (2006-08-17 00:00:00):
Wow excellente! i have been searching for a free program like this for my entire life! Unknown author (2006-09-02 00:00:00):
Extremely handy, simple and effective. A masterpiece! Unknown author (2006-12-05 00:00:00):
Awsome, thanks! Unknown author (2006-12-14 00:00:00):
very nice, speedy and usefull tool Unknown author (2006-12-18 00:00:00):
simple and right to the point, about time someone made a program like this one. Good job! Unknown author (2007-01-01 00:00:00):
This has got to be the most awesome little FREE program that I have ever seen... so short, sweet, to the point, and simple! Nice work man. Unknown author (2007-01-10 00:00:00):
I spent lots of time looking for freeware to extract some Vista icons I want. This tiny software, simple but powerful, tops them all. A real masterpiece!!! It extracts not just 32x32 icons, as most of freeware does, but ALL icons at once! Great! And handy! Unknown author (2007-02-19 00:00:00):
Great and sux... For me, it only extract icons with 32x32px... Vlasta (2007-02-19 00:00:00):
It extracts all formats available. Windows Explorer only displays the size of the last format in an icon, so no not rely on that information. Unknown author (2007-02-21 00:00:00):
It cannot extract from a DLL??? Vlasta (2007-02-21 00:00:00):
It can. Unknown author (2007-02-24 00:00:00):
Thanks, is awsome Happy User (2007-03-17 00:00:00):
Drag,Drop,and POOF its there Great job, cant wait to see what other handy tools you guys have Little Note: See if you can make it extract application files instead of just the application and dlls Unknown author (2007-04-04 00:00:00):
What a clever piece of work! Handy, simple, and convenient. Not to mention free! Thanks very much. Unknown author (2007-04-04 00:00:00):
Wondering if there was a commandline option for a silent extraction of the icon's. So that it could be used in a batch file to extract multiple icons files and folders using a batch file. Vlasta (2007-04-04 00:00:00):
Not really, but you can extract all icons on a drive (C:\) at once... Unknown author (2007-05-09 00:00:00):
Thanks for the great tool. Vlasta, do you have any plans to add extracting bmp or png resources? Unknown author (2007-05-26 00:00:00):
My second time and I cant wait until I see what other things you guys have! One more happy user! Unknown author (2007-07-17 00:00:00):
Please implementate also to extract png bmp jpg & co. then your tool will be the greatest! Greez Unknown author (2007-08-10 00:00:00):
I tried dragging an icon library (.icl file) onto it but it says the file is invalid!? Vlasta (2007-08-10 00:00:00):
.icl is a renamed .dll. But .dlls can use old (Windows 3.1) or new (Windows 95 and newer) format. If it is the former, this tool would not work (and no, this feature will never be added). Unknown author (2007-08-21 00:00:00):
Please remove Enter key waiting. It stops the script from running continuously... thanks. Unknown author (2007-10-17 00:00:00):
Is there any way so that if I call it from a command line it will run continuously? Possibly add a log file in the icon folder to give details on what succeeded and what failed. Other than that, its pretty neat. Vlasta (2007-10-17 00:00:00):
Yes, there is a way. If you redirect the standard output to a file and also the standard input (to a file with one newline character), it will run silently. Though I do not see a reason for this, who extracts icons on a daily basis? Unknown author (2007-12-17 00:00:00):
What a really nice tool! Mr. Zidgel (2008-01-31 00:00:00):
really nice, really nice Unknown author (2008-02-02 00:00:00):
Hi, Thanks, Vlasta (2008-02-03 00:00:00):
Once you close the window, the program technically cannot have any effect on any folder. There must be something else going on. Maybe Explorer creates previews of the extracted icons or an antivirus software scans the new files or something like that. Unknown author (2008-02-03 00:00:00):
Vlasta, Strange, I wasn't getting the "Window" yesterday except when clicking the Icon. When dropping a folder on top, it created the Icon folder and put the icons inside and then hung. Today, it is creating the window properly. Must have been a temporary condition, (but on two computers?). I was Copy/Pasteing the program to other folders, maybe this is a factor. David Dario1265 (2008-03-02 00:00:00):
Hi Vlasta, tulsab (2008-03-02 00:00:00):
Vlasta- Vlasta (2008-03-03 00:00:00):
Using custom output folder is currently not possible, but it might be added in the future (no promises). Extracting icons from exe files or any other Windows PE files should work without problems. programmer-in-training (2008-03-15 00:00:00):
What language is it written it? Vlasta (2008-03-16 00:00:00):
C++ Unknown author (2008-04-19 00:00:00):
Re: In the interim, perhaps this would be easy: Current scheme finds or creates a local directory named "icons" and extracts icons from given "FileName" to files named "icons"\"FileName"_<whatever>.ico My recommendation is to find or create a local directory named "FileName" (or _"FileName"_ or something like that) and to extract icons into "FileName"\<whatever>.ico The change should be just a few strings in the source, and the result will be that the user doesn't have to rename the result directory after each use (plus less cumbersome filenames as an added bonus)... Unknown author (2008-04-25 00:00:00):
Re: In the interim, perhaps this would be easy: Current scheme finds or creates a local directory named "icons" and extracts icons from given "FileName" to files named "icons"\"FileName"_<whatever>.ico My recommendation is to find or create a local directory named "FileName" (or _"FileName"_ or something like that) and to extract icons into "FileName"\<whatever>.ico The change should be just a few strings in the source, and the result will be that the user doesn't have to rename the result directory after each use (plus less cumbersome filenames as an added bonus)... Unknown author (2008-05-10 00:00:00):
Unknown author said: "After extracting the Icons, either on the desktop or in a folder, the program would not end it's association with the Icon folder. They were linked to the point I couldn't move the folder or move the program to end the association." Typical Vista woe: Try "Unlocker" - works great! Unknown author (2008-07-23 00:00:00):
Great tool, thanks for making it free. Unknown author (2008-10-29 00:00:00):
Thanks a lot, dude Unknown author (2008-12-23 00:00:00):
You should happy that this software is free and this batch icon extractor can extract icon from sub dir instead of only one by one Unknown author (2008-12-23 00:00:00):
Anyway Great Tool ^.^ The_Cre8r (2009-02-18 14:00:57):
Batch Icon Extractor 1.0 is a great program. It is a program I have been looking for. I am glad i finally found it and i believe it the best because it is FREE!!! Suggested Improvements:
Don't let my long list make it sound degrading, because it is not. If it had all of those things, the program will be "THE TOP" of all free icon extractor programs (if it is not already). Unknown author (2009-03-12 01:58:08):
Thanks for your creative efforts. Great simple tool requiring no installation and very portable. Thanks very much! Unknown author (2009-04-12 14:58:56):
wow thanks Unknown author (2009-06-07 19:48:02):
Tolles Programm! Super einfache Bedienung - einfacher kommt man wirklich nicht an Unmengen Icons. Unknown author (2009-06-08 09:35:27):
wow this batch icon extractor is real cool. I wonder how those other software are offering those "demo" services while this one exists. cool. Albert Diones Unknown author (2009-06-19 09:05:42):
Simply a super tool. Thanks for your efforts! Unknown author (2009-06-22 19:51:12):
Wow! This software works and it's free! Thanks for making it! Unknown author (2009-07-02 20:38:01):
Superb. Congrats to the developer particularly for the simplest possible interface. Unknown author (2009-07-13 14:14:52):
AWESOME! Thanks A lot for the time and effort you put in to this program! Unknown author (2009-07-14 23:22:00):
Thank you! Simply & Useful. Perfect! Unknown author (2009-07-15 02:55:51):
oo does ti support psd? Unknown author (2009-07-28 22:22:32):
I cann,t just go without commenting .Thanks alot .Great application. Unknown author (2009-08-21 12:44:31):
GREAT WORK! Thanks! Unknown author (2009-09-07 23:10:49):
this is still working. even on Windows 7 Pro 64 Bit (Build 7600) Unknown author (2009-09-26 14:43:04):
realy good and portable and fast Unknown author (2009-09-27 20:09:32):
It's a very very nice! Unknown author (2009-10-15 23:44:59):
its fabuloussssssssssss!! Unknown author (2009-10-23 15:16:37):
is it possible to recreate the folder structure too? If I scan the Windows folder with subfolders there are duplicates of the same file..with different icons..can not trach what icon is from which resource file Unknown author (2009-10-30 20:55:23):
Yes. Badass Util. Nick (2009-12-04 01:20:17):
Ty i needed this Unknown author (2010-02-05 15:29:21):
i like it..thanks!!! Unknown author (2010-02-13 10:01:21):
Fantastic Unknown author (2010-03-06 00:39:04):
Great job, exactly what I was looking for! Unknown author (2010-03-22 07:04:39):
Works great! Much appreciated! sixλxis (2010-04-19 20:56:45):
The download link halfway down the page is the same link at the top of the page. Also, can you really extract ALL icons from EVERYTHING on your drive? That's... pretty awesome. *downloads* Unknown author (2010-05-08 12:25:37):
I love this little program, it dosent need to be installed and it just works. GENIUS!! Unknown author (2010-06-09 19:53:24):
AWESOME! Thank you! Oziam (2010-07-25 05:33:15):
THANKS! ITS TRULY GREAT, works on win7 x64 perfectly. Unknown author (2010-07-29 18:55:16):
I LOVE YOU!!! this program isss just the best ! *extrats 6890 icons from vista" Unknown author (2010-11-20 16:03:31):
Cool! Anonymous (2010-12-07 21:45:35):
nice Unknown author (2010-12-25 17:00:16):
NIIIIIICE.. THX ... ITS TOO EASY TO USE !!! Unknown author (2011-01-28 03:17:01):
nice tool Unknown author (2011-02-06 10:52:17):
Hello Unknown author (2011-02-06 10:52:32):
It is so easy to comment Unknown author (2011-03-04 21:02:50):
wonderful Unknown author (2011-03-05 02:37:55):
anybody know a small program I can download as an alternative to "Iconpackager" by Stardock? I've downloaded some icons that I want to apply to my computer, but the "Iconpackager.exe" program that I need to unpackage them requires like twice the memory that I have on my old 2005 XP. Unknown author (2011-03-10 16:40:51):
好物 Unknown author (2011-03-10 19:07:32):
Era o que eu precisava Unknown author (2011-04-20 12:28:44):
WOW.. lahveeeeeeetttttt!! Unknown author (2011-05-02 18:58:47):
worked well for my old VB6 app. Thanks! Unknown author (2011-05-23 07:34:16):
zuper saai ,ikkan dat nie hoe werkt het Unknown author (2011-06-01 21:50:02):
lol Unknown author (2011-06-08 13:04:35):
thanks i will try it Unknown author (2011-07-08 00:38:13):
I cant seem to get this to work with .ico files Unknown author (2011-07-16 15:59:58):
how to extract to 256x256 .ico? the original .exe file extracted from other program provide 256x256 but Batch Icon Extractor extracted to 16x16, kindly help. Vlasta (2011-07-16 20:57:13):
The extracted icons contain all sizes that were in the original file... If you only see 16x16 icons in Explorer, that is because the 16x16 image is the last one in the .ico file. Unknown author (2011-09-25 08:11:20):
it dosen't work anymore? It saids it's outdated..somethin like that Vlasta (2011-09-25 10:05:35):
Still works fine. Unknown author (2011-09-30 05:32:44):
Super-Excellente Unknown author (2011-11-25 05:04:17):
Awesome!!!! I hope it will worked!!!!! Unknown author (2011-12-27 17:17:44):
Awesome. Nothing else to say.
Unknown author (2012-01-16 15:46:05):
I want to use this program in a batch file. However ... it keeps producing a popup screen with explanation how it works; this can be stopped by a > nul redirect. But then still it wants a Return after every extraction (and there are hundrerds of extractions!). How to avoid these quirks? Henk Unknown author (2012-01-17 09:09:46):
may i use your exe? il give credits to you at first run (it will be freeware!) Vlasta (2012-01-17 09:28:30):
What's the point of building a GUI around it? Unknown author (2012-01-21 09:23:39):
Does not extract all icons. Only extracted 32x32 icon from my file, even though it has 48x48 icon. Vlasta (2012-01-21 11:50:25):
It does extract all icons. Unknown author (2012-04-30 21:36:46):
Is there a silent mode? "/s" like regedit? Doesn't seem to lend itself to unattended batch processing otherwise. Unknown author (2012-05-11 16:35:53):
Adding a link for this great app to http://www.portablefreeware.com. Extracts the icon without degradation. Thanks! Unknown author (2012-06-05 19:06:34):
can you add a command-line parameter to make the app terminate automatically on successful extraction of icons? Unknown author (2012-09-28 18:48:14):
The faces next to these comments are freaky looking Unknown author (2012-10-16 05:35:15):
Thanks for this awesome simple tool Unknown author (2012-12-11 14:07:24):
Love the tool. The only issue is that I need to minimize all my windows to see the desktop so I can extract my icons. The app would be so much better if when you run it, it would display a "Always on Top" Inbox where you drop the files and either: Unknown author (2013-01-23 23:59:11):
Awesome app. Thanks! bordo (2014-09-01 01:49:53):
What is extract parameter? Vlasta (2014-09-01 09:02:07):
Name or path of the file to extract icons from. Or folder to scan for these files. If there are space in the path, the whole path should be in "". Unknown author (2014-11-13 08:29:58):
Is it some updates in future ?? Unknown author (2015-06-13 09:47:11):
does it work with W8.1? Unknown author (2015-08-26 09:46:31):
yes, this also functions on windows 8.1 really Unknown author (2016-06-14 18:53:26):
Cool Unknown author (2016-09-20 12:18:05):
Unknown author (2016-11-17 16:20:19):
does it support .dll and .exe files? and do you have a tool to put them back into a .dll or .exe file? that'd be awesome Unknown author (2017-04-16 23:57:29):
It didnt work for me... Unknown author (2017-06-01 16:38:12):
Command line samples, please!!! Unknown author (2018-02-09 04:17:21):
thxs Unknown author (2018-02-22 11:55:11):
You have to know beforehand what files contain icons. Unknown author (2018-05-07 22:38:08):
maybe the program should check inside .dll files aswell as .exe it is missing quite a few icons because of this Vlasta (2018-05-07 22:41:52):
Of course it does. Unknown author (2018-05-07 22:42:04):
oh it actually seems to sorry Unknown author (2018-05-07 23:55:00):
This program works well, bulk extracts icons from files and saves them inside a folder called icons where you run the program from. I highly recomment. You will need to find somthing else if you wish to select subtypes etc. But i used this as the main extractor with another program searching its icons dir for filtering of subpicture types. Hermitage (2020-11-18 11:30:46):
lts looks good Unknown author (2021-01-26 03:50:13):
good Unknown author (2021-02-10 21:28:04):
LOL DUMB SITE Unknown author (2021-03-13 02:45:38):
no fook you no no no oh oh me cu me cu dlç me come vai oh oh broka broka xiujg dlç Unknown author (2021-05-06 19:01:27):
es cool Unknown author (2021-05-10 16:39:18):
Hi I am new here who are you guys Unknown author (2021-06-16 21:56:40):
8-)cu Unknown author (2021-08-28 17:52:37):
Perfect program! g.k (2022-01-17 12:58:20):
good! Unknown author (2022-03-04 15:49:29):
sou novo help me Unknown author (2022-06-22 19:48:28):
Really useful when needing to change some icons. Unknown author (2022-08-16 21:10:07):
*slaps all* Unknown author (2022-08-29 18:39:38):
a ??? Unknown author (2022-11-01 17:34:56):
hi Unknown author (2022-11-15 06:32:09):
It open Command Window and showed a Error Will Thank you for the download rw-designer! Unknown author (2022-12-27 04:16:29):
Still working in 2022 on Windows 11 Pro x64 Would love to have a switch for removing the 'Press Enter to exit' when running this in a FOR loop. Unknown author (2023-01-23 10:42:12):
SUS I THINK baller baller chicken dollar (2023-03-13 19:59:15):
a Unknown author (2023-04-01 02:36:14):
thanks!! Unknown author (2023-04-24 04:43:43):
Unknown author (2023-05-18 21:49:12):
valeu Unknown author (2023-06-21 08:56:50):
great Unknown author (2023-06-21 13:56:54):
thank you Unknown author (2023-08-07 02:35:30):
eeeee wat foryum ??? Unknown author (2023-08-08 16:15:29):
Unknown author (2023-09-03 18:09:22):
Thanks For letting us know its still working on Win 11, I hope the Icon and Cursor editing wares work still too! Unknown author (2024-02-14 15:59:28):
Very SUS Unknown author (2024-04-01 12:20:41):
amogus Unknown author (2024-06-23 02:47:26):
ggt Unknown author (2024-06-27 20:37:33):
i love old tech and sentient machines! Unknown author (2024-06-28 03:12:50):
gyatt dayum this chad site rizzes my skibidi toilet Unknown author (2024-07-11 20:30:12):
no Unknown author (2024-09-15 20:24:46):
MATUE E VIADO Unknown author (2024-10-12 18:52:39):
morenos safados Unknown author (2024-10-25 05:58:30):
skibidi!! XD Unknown author (2024-10-30 03:41:49):
none of these comments are helpful so ill post something if something goes wrong Unknown author (2024-11-02 09:22:08):
never use brainrot Unknown author (2024-12-13 05:25:14):
quien fue el coronel leoncio prado gutierrez? Unknown author (2024-12-15 04:21:34):
<type your comment here> Unknown author (2025-01-05 13:23:39):
ik Unknown author (2025-01-18 05:26:13):
Sweet Unknown author (2025-02-18 20:44:04):
Unknown author (2025-02-21 21:55:38):
hi gasap |