Jake (2012-12-29 04:42:53):
Just out of curiosity did you get Dalai Lama's Permission? Vlasta (2012-12-29 10:12:39):
No I do not think you need a person's permission to create their portrait. Jake (2012-12-29 19:55:07):
What I Mean is did you get premission to put it on your website Vlasta (2012-12-29 19:58:48):
No. As I said above, I do not need it in this case. The resulting drawing is my work and I own the copyright. Person's look is not copyrighted. If you are referring to me using the photograph, that would be covered by "fair use". Jake (2012-12-29 22:07:14):
ok Unknown author (2013-01-27 07:03:38):
when are you adding v 2012.1? SoaringEagle789 (2014-01-11 19:10:57):
but i dont know how to create an image from clipboard! never mind i got it but its so hard to do... nibbler (2016-05-21 02:03:45):
This tutorial isn't so hard, so I made an avatar. 58629 (2016-09-20 03:06:04):
I've tried to make an avatar, made out of black and white colors. It's 150x200, it's a transparent background, it has 4 layers. Does it have to be a RLI or a PNG? Why I ask is because on the other page, you said it had to be PNG, and on this page, the picture shown is a RLI. And I saved it as a PNG anyway. This looks like a pretty good icon Sum Fun Dude (2016-09-22 02:30:32):
woohoo, avatar time! nibbler (2016-10-19 23:23:53):
KittyKata12 (2019-05-17 01:13:40):
Can someone make my icon for me? Thx! Vlazteron (2019-12-09 02:58:20):
Can someone make an icon for me? Insane Games (2021-02-08 19:02:04):
Can someone make an icon for me? Use this pik nick@mail.com (2022-03-19 23:07:47):
hey im scottgames.com im scottgames.com makeing fnaf6 Henry vntv (2022-06-29 14:27:42):
i can't do it Kirsty Basa (2022-09-27 09:31:03):
same Kirsty Basa (2022-09-27 10:10:21):
Can some one make a pfp for me ? https://yt3.ggpht.com/ytc/AMLnZu8n4fXhX9TeriU1WEZ1ooCrY_DEL3gsgzOxXPUs=s88-c-k-c0x00ffffff-no-rj ?? https://yt3.ggpht.com/ytc/AMLnZu8n4fXhX9TeriU1WEZ1ooCrY_DEL3gsgzOxXPUs=s88-c-k-c0x00ffffff-no-rj some please make one for me ( SORRY ABOUT THE PFP IM USING THE EXAMPLE ) |