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Atreyu (2015-05-14 21:17:25):

:-( it's not working

Vlasta (2015-05-14 21:55:06):

Why do you think so?

Unknown author (2016-09-27 17:14:31):


Xavier (2017-03-02 21:59:53):


Unknown author (2017-05-19 00:39:38):

gif2webp not animated.... :-( :-( :-(

Vlasta (2017-06-14 09:36:16):

Animation should work. If you have problems with specific images, send them to me via email.

Unknown author (2017-08-28 23:30:27):

Быстро работает, жаль не сжимает. Спасибо! :-)

Unknown author (2018-06-15 12:05:50):

it's good

Unknown author (2018-08-12 00:19:15):

works, but only lossless
-q parameter does'nt work

Vlasta (2018-08-12 11:12:44):

lossy conversion from gif would make little sense

due to nature of gifs, lossy mode is a poor match and could produce larger files than lossless on typical gifs

santibr123 (2020-02-15 01:25:37):


Unknown author (2020-11-02 17:14:40):

Thank you so much.

I tried it and it works perfectly.

But the final file size are larger compare to GIF.
Is it possible to setting the lossless ?

Unknown author (2020-11-09 12:40:05):

thank you, great tool!

Unknown author (2020-11-17 17:59:24):

when i open the webp in chrome it's ok, when i download it on my android phone i have a totally transparent image...

Adri_10 (2020-12-04 19:58:58):


csid2136 (2021-01-20 22:39:41):

hmm... open the file to see black screen flash

Unknown author (2021-03-18 06:41:34):

How to deal with this transcoding problem:
gif2webp aAFje2qqaUZN.gif -o a.webp
GIFLib Error 0:
GIF-LIB error: Image EOF detected, before image complete.

RIDDLER (2025-01-02 23:54:34):

I wish I could create an animated cursor with 100 frames on the fly by importing an animated gif file to RealWorld Cursor Editor wizards. Could you please add this feature request?

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