works, but only lossless
-q parameter does'nt work
gif2webp.exe is a simple command line tool for batch conversion of animated GIF images to the WebP format. The executable works on Windows and should be usable on Linux under Wine.
The tool can be used either from command line or from Windows Desktop. In the later case, place the tool on your Desktop and then drag and drop files or folders onto it. The tool will automatically convert all gifs to WebP format and place them in the same folders as the originals.
More information and other tools.
Conversion may be slow, because the tool always uses the highest setting for WebP efficiency (which should result in smallest possible WebP files).
Gif files with invalid animation times will be fixed as follows. If background disposal mode is not specified, frame duration is set to 0.1s, otherwise the frames are merged. Small, but valid frame duration times will be kept unchanged. This may result in your WebP files animating faster than the original gif files in some browsers (because the browsers artificially limit the speed of gifs).
works, but only lossless
-q parameter does'nt work
lossy conversion from gif would make little sense
due to nature of gifs, lossy mode is a poor match and could produce larger files than lossless on typical gifs
Thank you so much.
I tried it and it works perfectly.
But the final file size are larger compare to GIF.
Is it possible to setting the lossless ?
thank you, great tool!
when i open the webp in chrome it's ok, when i download it on my android phone i have a totally transparent image...
hmm... open the file to see black screen flash
How to deal with this transcoding problem:
gif2webp aAFje2qqaUZN.gif -o a.webp
GIFLib Error 0:
GIF-LIB error: Image EOF detected, before image complete.
I wish I could create an animated cursor with 100 frames on the fly by importing an animated gif file to RealWorld Cursor Editor wizards. Could you please add this feature request?
Find out how Vista icons differ from XP icons.
See how RealWorld Icon Editor handles Vista icons.