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Unknown author (2007-05-15 00:00:00):

spatial versus temporal complexity

[OMG]Kevinicons (2008-02-03 00:00:00):

I have a idea! When you make a curves or Surfaces You reading Conclusion. You Put spelled NURBS right!

[OMG]Kevinicons (2008-02-03 00:00:00):

How to Download it?

[OMG]Kevinicons (2008-02-04 00:00:00):

I use Game Maker

[OMG]Kevinicons (2008-02-04 00:00:00):

To use it

Unknown author (2008-02-08 00:00:00):

thank u but u need to post more details

Unknown author (2008-05-22 00:00:00):


ty (2008-08-23 00:00:00):

yea how downlod it?

green knight (2008-10-15 00:00:00):

For those familiar with AutoCAD, think "polyline edit." One of the options is "spline". The program will thread a spline through the loci of all the points of the polyline.

Unknown author (2009-01-29 21:14:02):

yea how downlod it?

Mckeegan1 (2009-06-30 17:40:21):

Go on software and it's on the icon editor

Unknown author (2009-10-07 16:34:16):

ah i love nurbs.. u can read about them 10 times and still not understand what they are :-)

sixλxis (2009-11-11 08:04:54):

i just like the name Nurbs. they sound cute! <3

Unknown author (2009-12-19 13:22:00):

thank you

Unknown author (2010-03-08 11:40:45):

Very nice! Thank you very much!

Unknown author (2010-04-02 11:37:04):

I am working on generating a NURBS surface, can you supply me a simple NURBS surface, say a square or a rectangle maybe ? The need the control points ....

Unknown author (2010-07-27 12:00:13):

great site.. very useful...

Unknown author (2010-09-20 10:12:56):


;-)  ;-)  ;-)
sixλxis (2010-09-28 17:06:19):

No matter how hard i try to understand this, I never can ._.

Unknown author (2010-11-22 10:40:42):

I Want to generate a nurbs surface....either 2d or 3d
which software is efficient and easy to understand

Unknown author (2011-01-28 01:23:50):

Isn't the onion shaped dome thing revolved around the Z axis?

Vlasta (2011-01-28 10:10:42):

That depends on naming conventions. Here, X is to the right, Y is up and Z is out of the screen, so it is revolving around Y.

Unknown author (2011-03-09 20:39:19):

Vectorworks is good software for drawing NURBS curves and surfaces. www.vectorworks.net

Unknown author (2011-06-26 11:41:32):

i'm still confused with the knot vector,can you introduce more information to me?
thanks a lot!
email: hailengc@126.com

Unknown author (2011-07-20 08:00:41):

The Infomatiohn is Very Good

Unknown author (2011-09-11 10:34:10):


Unknown author (2011-09-23 19:51:34):


Unknown author (2011-11-03 06:42:27):

Have to agree, I searched the entire globe but could not find such a resource to understand Beziers and Splines. You have made it really easy to understand even without all the mathematical complications.

Anyone who is looking for just the theoretical knowledge on how or what Beziers and Splines are, I would surely recommend this article.


Unknown author (2011-11-06 18:53:53):

Blender is also a good program to define NURBS uh things. www.blender3d.org. The program is free.

Unknown author (2011-11-12 23:47:28):

Rhinoceros is probably the most efficient and advanced nurbs modelling 3d software to date

Unknown author (2011-11-29 22:36:20):

Good explanation :-)

Unknown author (2012-05-09 07:29:36):

thank you.ali :-)

Unknown author (2012-05-21 21:00:15):

I need a programming model Rhino
Please how can I download it? ;-)
thank you.

Unknown author (2012-07-18 12:31:52):


Unknown author (2012-08-10 12:28:58):

Thanks a lot for the article

Unknown author (2012-08-26 10:32:22):

Great article! Thanks!

egarcia1360 (2012-08-30 08:26:59):

I didn't get it.

Unknown author (2012-09-16 16:21:50):

Very useful!

Unknown author (2012-10-31 19:20:29):

very useful article! good explanations..

Unknown author (2012-11-04 11:03:36):


Unknown author (2013-05-10 06:43:20):

thank ya

Unknown author (2013-06-06 06:15:44):

Thank you So much for this article... It really helped me a lot!! Today is my exam about curves and I was un-able to learn all these things but now I did

Unknown author (2013-09-05 07:13:27):

How to enable control polygon net for imported solid part in NX7.5. Please reply to gitmeakb123@yahoo.in

Unknown author (2013-10-01 13:16:44):

love ya :*

Unknown author (2013-12-25 10:44:20):

매우 유익한 글입니다.

Unknown author (2014-01-28 09:18:54):

nice article

Unknown author (2014-02-23 00:35:23):

Thanks for telling it all in story style.

Unknown author (2014-03-04 19:49:39):

Thanks for the storyline and introduction of the curve family.

Unknown author (2014-03-25 06:16:02):

complete... :-)

thnx bro ;-)

Unknown author (2014-06-12 11:52:33):

Ordinary Bézier curve is a special case or rational Bézier curve

should be
Ordinary Bézier curve is a special case of rational Bézier curve

Unknown author (2014-09-04 14:59:54):

so if i am drawing a 2D drawing off of a print and i want to use nurbs how do figure the weight for each point. is there a formula?

Vlasta (2014-09-04 15:20:37):

If you drawing manually, you should probably not bother with weights, leave them all the same. You can approximate shapes with various accuracies in multiple ways.

Unknown author (2017-08-22 14:12:17):

Thanks :-o

Unknown author (2018-12-08 02:42:01):

podrian poner el nombre de la persona que escribe el articulo, eso seria aun mas genial

Unknown author (2021-06-15 15:49:27):


Unknown author (2021-06-15 16:13:27):

can't understand

Unknown author (2021-10-07 16:50:11):

Great step through and example based education of curvy, curby, nerdy NURBS.

Patak (2023-04-21 17:36:55):


RIDDLER (2024-12-28 22:52:34):

Nurbs are hard to make for me.

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