Unknown author (2020-08-11 14:58:39):
eae cd as namoradinhas?? kkkk <:D RIDDLER (2020-08-11 22:58:26):
I very much like all your neon cursor sets. Please make a version in every color, including a rainbow color version as well. lifeisillusion (2020-08-12 13:56:32):
anyone please tell me what this anonymous is trying to say, i tried google translate still confused... Unknown author (2020-08-12 20:27:41):
Very good you will be a popular cursor maker! lifeisillusion (2020-08-13 07:33:27):
is that so! thanks for you. (btw while i wanted to make a cursor for myself i found this software so i thought of contributing my work in exchange for this software.) shhh! this is my first time lol eeveelover64 (2020-08-14 20:49:16):
Ok ༼ つ■_■ ༽つnewscapepro (2020-08-16 12:01:44):
hellooooooooooooo lifeisillusion (2020-08-16 14:13:32):
hellooooooooooooo <(^-^)> eeveelover64 (2020-08-16 15:42:34):
Hello! lifeisillusion (2020-08-17 15:24:45):
is it gonna continue forever lol eeveelover64 (2020-08-17 15:58:14):
I guess 3DS lifeisillusion (2020-08-17 20:08:36):
should i take that S alone lol eeveelover64 (2020-08-19 16:24:57):
Ok AJaxx (2020-08-22 23:08:38):
LOL Everything you say above is simply a delusion of your own creation. Get a life! Have a nice day. eeveelover64 (2020-08-23 00:28:32):
well, with that attitude it seems like u have none! lifeisillusion (2020-08-23 05:43:48):
ajaxx still you have not answered about jackmafia (i couldnt find differences in design of static and aystics sorry.) eeveelover64 (2020-08-23 06:40:36):
no u aren't! this is a gr8 place 2 be, aside from the toxic people, i still enjoy ur cursors! lifeisillusion (2020-08-23 06:58:10):
Oh eevee thank you ❤️ yes this is a great place that's why I keep coming back. not used anymore (2020-08-23 07:01:40):
Ajaxx, the perfect moderator for the roasts. eeveelover64 (2020-09-04 22:38:23):
AJaxx is no longer a moderator lifeisillusion (2020-09-05 19:54:29):
thats a twist i didnt expect but why kirby oatmeal though lol? eeveelover64 (2020-09-05 21:01:43):
Cuz simpleflips Cori (2020-09-16 15:20:09):
PLEASE do MHA!! Uraraka!! lifeisillusion (2020-09-16 18:09:07):
soon Phantom (2021-09-29 16:10:21):
Hi lifeisillusion (2022-03-30 15:42:17):
Hi ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2022-06-02 13:51:35):
Welcome to RW designer page![]() I know it's a bit late but... Please check out the June TOTM (Theme of the Month) Contest! http://www.rw-designer.com/forum/6404 lifeisillusion (2022-06-19 17:08:47):
Nice to know, I will surely participate in upcoming events! Unknown author (2023-05-19 19:40:44):
Hi, @lifeisillusion. Can I use one of your cursors to my game? I will add your name and your cursor link to the credits. Unknown author (2023-09-11 20:22:15):
i like ur work lifeisillusion (2024-04-03 09:12:11):
Hi anon sure, let me know the game if you see this message! |