Hi! I really need watermark my images using command line, how can I do it using your software?
This tutorial shows how to add watermark to images in batch.
Welcome to the batch watermarking tutorial for RealWorld Photos.
Start the application and switch to the Batch page. The upper part of the window shows the available batch operations. Select the active operation by clicking on it.
The lower part of the window has multiple purposes. Click on the "Source files" tab to choose the images to process. As you can see, an ordinary Windows Explorer window with all its features, including thumbnails, stands at your disposal.
I'll selected 4 images and click the Process button. The 3rd tab show the processing log.
For now, switch to the "Processed files" tab (the first one) to see the watermarked images.
Here you can see the semitranparent text added to the image. It is the filename of the image. I'll delete the watermarked files for now.
You can also drag and drop the files or folders to batch process them. Look what happens when I drop files on the Greyscale operation. That operation was used instead of the active one. Drop files on empty space to use the active operation.
Double click an operation to configure it. You can change its name, but the more important thing is the Operation field. It is set to Sqeuence and it has 2 steps in our case. First, a watermark is added, and second, the file is saved.
You can customize the output folder and file name. By default, the result is saved to a temporary folder (the "Processed files" tab). If you want to overwrite the original pictures, change the word BATCH to FOLDER.
Let's get back to the watermark configuration. You can set the position, margins and opacity level of the watermark.
I'll increase the opacity to 100%.
This control is for logo watermarking, we'll get to it later. The text watermark can use plain text and placeholders. You can see the placeholders for filename and extension.
In the lower part of the window are some more options for text. I'll change the Angle parameter and we'll see what happens.
As you can see, the text was rotated by the given angle. The same with the other picture.
Now let's try image watermarks. I do not have a suitable image at hand, so I'll pick one of the roof texture that come with the application as the watermark. I'll set the opacity to 50%.
Let's process a couple of pictures and have a look at them.
You can drag and drop pictures directly from your favorite file manager or photo album. Let's try it. The watermark's there.
Now it's time to simplify things. Click the "Create droplet" button. You are about to create a tiny executable file that will serve as a shortcut to the batch operation. There are a couple of options in the window. Make sure to get familiar with them, they can be quite useful. Also note that I am saving the droplet to my desktop.
Here is the created droplet. I can drag and drop files on the droplet and they will be watermarked. RealWorld Photos doesn't need to be running. Note that the destination folder was automatically opened after processing had finished.
You can of course drag and drop multiple files or folders at once. It is no problem.
That is all. Adding watermarks to .jpg image in RealWorld Photos does not lower the quality, which is not the case with other software.
Thanks for watching.
Hi! I really need watermark my images using command line, how can I do it using your software?
Easiest way would be going to the Batch page, selecting and configuring the watermarking operation and then clicking on the Create droplet button above the list of operations. This will create a tiny .exe that you can use from command line giving it folder or file to process. The application must be installed when you are using the droplet.
Thanks for the tutorials... in general they're good... it's just that this one (watermarks), the whole video is blurred and we can't see/read exactly what you're clicking on... Would it be possible for you to make a new video with a better resolution to it, please???
please take the marbles out of your mouth sir.
Hi Thank you for your help so farI am using PhotoResize because its fast and a watermark droplet and I am getting there but I would like to open folders and subfolders - water mark and output to a new set of folders and subfolders. The following works in a batch file but I need flexibility with the folders and I can't make your paths work. been on it all day!
PhotoResize.exe -800 -V -o "-cC:\Photos\<NAME>.jpg" c:\test\testin
Watermark.exe c:\Photos
PhotoResize.exe -200 -o "-cC:\Photos\<NAME>.jpg_thmb.jpg" c:\Photos
Can you help please?
Since you are using RWPhotos anyway, maybe it will be better to use just that for all the tasks and do everything with one droplet (though it is true that resizing will be slower this way).
What it is that you actually want to do with the images? Do you need to process all subfolders inside a folder or are you looking for a way to make your .bat file with this content accept different source folders?
Help I need to see glass paint
salut, se site d'hate de longtemps !
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