Davez's blog archive for May 2011

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Hopefully my new cursor set, called "Blah" (I lacked some inspiration for the name :-) ) will be hopefully uploaded this evening. It is very different from the ones I've made so far, but still pretty good.

I will also place the link in this blog.


Last blog was on April 10th. THat's been a while, due to studying etc. Still, I'm trying to make some cursors and icons. I came up with some ideas, but I have to try them out, to see if it looks the way I want it to. I'm dissapointed that I'm not very active on RealWorld this time, but it doesn't mean I'm no longer using the RealWorld software.

Hopefully this isn't my last blog.
Good luck to all of you who want to make some cursor sets!

Davez's blog

Blog archive

I wish there were...
Vista & Win 7 icons
What about ICL files?
Select background