Another day at school. I wish I'd had more than just a cup of tea and a half a piece of toast for breakfast. Put my hand in boiling hot lasange last night. Stupid me. MOOD: Stupid and clumbsy
At school and it sux. I can't do anything with cursors because my computer is blocked by a group policy. MOOD: Waging war on the school TSO [image:5320]
I've been thinking about adding more to my cursor set and perhaps making a new one. I'm thinking of dedoing my STRIPES set. Some of the older members of RW Designer may remember my first dreaded set I created using the web designer. I have to admit, THAT was a horribly planned set. Also, for most of you older members(particuarly JDDellGuy), you may rememer my GUNS set of April, March. THAT was a failure. Now, for the good news. since I'm getting the hang of this web browser app, I'm thinking of having a go at making some SQUARE OR RECTANGLE cursors. How does that sound everyone?
Today was alright. I'd like to dedicate my new cursor set, DIAMONDS to the following people on Real World Designer: 1. TCRceations - the most elite and awsomest icon designer I've seen on this site. 2. JDDellGuy - The most eilite and awsomest cursor designer I've seen on this site 3. !fucktheworld! - The best roleplaying buddy 4. [:Skullz:] - The second best roleplaying buddy 5. Shazi - the best internet friend/