TwiSteD_L0v3rR's blog

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amu chan to ikuto kun kaaawaaaiiiii neeeeeee <3

damn it!!!! morgan sama get online T^T morgan faireka!!!!!!! get online get online!!!!

i hate him i hate him i hate him i hate him let me kill him let me kill him

wow who argues about 1 direction and reece mastin!

who the hell hits on ur ex??? fuck man

i could really buy these things off this website!!!

oh i just love to be stalked -.- wtf who does he think he ish? i dont like being followed mister stalker so i say screw off soon or die painfully

best lesson ever!!!!! did nothing yeayeayea

wow been ages since ive been online for this xD wat fuhn

hehehehehe im sooooo luvd abit too luvd :/

omg!!!! wikia soooo sux!!!!!! jsd got bloked!!!!!!!

i is bored and yea

death death death death and moa death waht kind of wrld is dis? if i ate yhu would yhu care??? or could yhu possibly want to eat me too??

dead and dying!!!! wheres my boo?!

TwiSteD_L0v3rR's blog

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