Mosher's blog archive for April 2012

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hey guys got my first trophy :-D

im working on another set of guns you know im a artist that makes guns alot :$ so please wish me luck and for now download my other cursors XD bye.

upated superman i added text select and move aswell

just updated my golden eagle cursors i added working in the backround enjoy :-D

guys most of my cursors are guns i mean my second set was guns so thats why i just got addicted to make gun cursors so yeah... i might make other things but i guess most of my sets will be of guns :-)

it would be cool if i was in the top 50 authors :L but i guess i have to work pretty hard to get there well wish me luck guys and download my cursors

im thinking about my next cursor set i might make one with all 15 :-D wish me luck and please download my cursors it would make me happy

okay so i made my second set with 3 cursors its a golden eagle that shoots its really cool hope you guys like it :-D

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Vista & Win 7 icons
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