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Mosher's profile

View Mosher's timeline, last visit on February 10th 2016

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Hello everyone I hope you guys like my cursors and download them.
Contact me on skype:EmotionalJuice
Download my cursors ^^
Still kinda new at this I haven't been making a lot of cursors and I have not practiced or anything for awhile so sorry if my cursors are like bad or anything.

Featured art


Color Cursors (15 cursors)

Released on June 15th 2013 by Mosher

Another one of my sets I have been working on it for like a week or 2 and I didn't upload more sets or cursors because I was busy with some stuff but now I will be making more Cursors also I'm sorry if the size is to small.Hope you guys rate and comment and suggest stuff so I can improve my cursors.

Latest art

Color TeaserColor Cursors
by Mosher125Another one of my sets I have been working on it for like a week or 2...
Random Pointers TeaserRandom Pointers Cursors
by Mosher193Just some random Pointers i make when I'm bored I will actually updat...
Wierd TeaserWierd Cursors
by Mosher118Well its like my 4th or 5th set its complete and stuff no need for ba...
Hand Guns TeaserHand Guns Cursors
by Mosher486these are some cool handguns just 3 though there is the musket animat...
Golden Eagle TeaserGolden Eagle Cursors
by Mosher445this is a set of Golden eagles the author is me Gilbert S.Q. its my s...
Superman TeaserSuperman Cursors
by Mosher751my first cursors and i made them as superman

Forum topics, where Mosher participated

Recent comments

user icon Scott registered user on April 2nd 2012

Your Superman set is pretty good, mate, great job, and keep up the good work.

user icon Mosher registered user on January 27th 2013

follow me on twitter @Gilbertscursors
also my other one @GSQwow

user icon cdl contributing user on April 16th 2015

Please check out our monthly Theme of the Month contest with Mysterious Prizes!

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