cdl's blog archive for July 2013

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Theme of the Month Contest!

SYNTHCRO is away, for an undisclosed amount of time.

Stonemason's Tools!

item/stonemason-tools.png image You may win this item in the Theme of the Month contest!
See details here:

★★ RW Info Linkage

cursor-view/15023-48.png image I have often been asked to assist new members in their quests for information that seems all but hidden from the novice membership. Being as even I seem to experience a certain level of difficulty (probably is just me) in locating the informational pages I am seeking in Real World Graphics I have decided to post the linkage here for easy access when I refer new members to pages that may assist them in their endeavors here in RW.

Select background
Vista & Win 7 icons
What about ICL files?
I wish there were...